
Yet Another 'Evil (((Media)))' Survey



'Official New York Times Accountability Survey'

Survey ID : 17346257

1) Do you believe it was wrong for the New York Times to change their headline (and the truth) because they were scared of their ratings falling even more?


2) Do you believe the New York Times changed their headline to appease their liberal base?


3) Do you believe the New York Times is biased?


4) Do you believe the New York Times fails to report factually?


5) Do you believe the New York Times should be held accountable for their actions?


6) Do you believe the New York Times reports unfairly on President Trump?


7) Do you believe the New York Times reports favorably towards Democrats?


8) Do you believe the New York Times wants a Democrat to win in 2020?


9) Would you sign a petition that demands the New York Times is no longer recognized as a real newspaper?


10) Is there anything else you want to share with us?

The media, like the democrat party, is a terrorist organization. They are predominantly racist jewish nationalist, jewish supremacists who cheer lead for israel, which is a nation where jews are supreme & others are discriminated against if they are not jews. Their goal is to destroy white people world wide and hand the wreckage of white nations to the (((Bank$ters))), because they are the top of that (((Tribe))).

It's unfortunate that it is (((Javanka))) ramming America down the toilet keeping Trump from sealing the border & kicking invaders and their spawn out, dumping them back in Mexico. In sane nations the heads of invaders were put on poles lining the border with the decapitated bodies in piles on fire between so the stench of death warns off other goblins.

World War 3 is happening RIGHT NOW where Mexico & others are attacking us non-stop with 'bio-weapons' known as 'beaners', same way the jews bribe, blackmail, & extort politicians in so-called (((We$tern))) Europe to flood white nations with ISIS RAPEugees & other demon trash to destroy everything for eternity. There should instead be a 'Must Be This Hot To Enter' requirement for ALL immigration:

If Trump does not put a stop to the horrible actions of the (((Deep State))) all of his work will be undone as soon as he leaves. The DemonCrat party should be banned for all eternity, along with any organization like it ~ like 'Antifa', (ONLY) Black (CRIMINAL) Lives Matter, Etc. Traitors shold be charged and prosecuted, starting with the (((Bank$ter))) George Soros and his 2 billion dollar puppet zebra speech reader Obama. (((Ep$tein))) & his 'pedophile army' are just random tangents & 'party favors'. (((Bank$ters))) commit many obviouis crimes like directly funding terrorist organizations like Antifa, etc.



