
Conveyor Chain Supplier | TSUBAKI |SEIMITSU

Heavy strength roller chain made by Tsubaki India is intended for use in industries where stronger chain is required. Greater fatigue strength and better real yield are characteristics of chains with higher ultimate strength. Tsubaki chains give you an additional source of strength to endure heavy shock loads.

Cane Harvester ChainsChains for cane harvesters are statically pre-loaded and all parts are shot peened to increase wear life in the punishing circumstances of the cane fields.


Mud Conveyor Chains -   There are models of mud conveyor chains that use stainless steel pins and bushes to guard against corrosion and wear because of the moist environments they must operate in. On request, additional sizes and series are available.


Cane Carrier Chains - Cane carrier chains are available from Tsubaki in a range of styles and sizes, and they offer great durability and wear resistance. Give the application what it needs in terms of materials and heat treatment.


Cane Bagasse Carrier Chain – Tsubaki's innovative outboard roller design makes maintenance a snap. A thin coating of lubricant is intended to be maintained on the chain. Convenient location of the rollers makes it easy to replace a broken one without dismantling


SEIMITSU Factory Automation Pvt Ltd is an authorized distributor in India. For any type of Tsubaki products please contact us or you can visit our website at https://www.seimitsu.in/tsubaki-power-transmission-drive-chains-sprockets.html to know more.


