
Modern Caregiving Transitions – Eleanor Gaccetta

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Lydia Dean @Lydia_Dean · May 6, 2022

We live in a world where we are not only encouraged but expected to be first. First in line, first to be picked for the team, first one to finish the race in work or play. Our egos are primed to be first. Being first sets us apart and gives the feeling of dominance. When we are first, we can shine in our efforts, skills, and achievements…isn’t that all that matters in today’s world? We are taught at a very young age to be proficient and remain first or as close to first as we can, win the praise and esteem of others. As we age this is what makes us successful and provides us with a comfortable satisfying life.


Or is it? Being first really doesn’t matter to the caregiver. In caregiving being first means the person to whom you are providing care. This is directly opposite our worldly pursuits. I seldom came in first – the joke in my family as I was generally fourth, a great effort just missed the opportunity to matter by a hair. In my book, One Caregiver’s Journey I chronicle my father’s illness and death and how I maintained a full-time job but was always there to help my mother provide care. After his death, I provided support to my mother on the farm while continuing to work a full-time job. Her two sisters were not well, and my mother would assist them which meant I was driving them to appointments or running their errands. I remember being at a family gathering when someone asked what I had been doing with my time besides taking care of old people.


Read full article here: https://www.onecaregiversjourney.com/modern-caregiving-transitions/
