
How Do Termite Inspections Work?

One of the questions most often asked about doing termite inspections in Melbourne on a home is, how does it actually work? Basically, the way it works is that you will be given a special kit that has a camera and other special equipment to inspect your home for termites. Once you have the kit, you will need to make your way to the house and once there, your inspector will be inspecting everything from the ground up. This includes not only the areas where the termites are found, but it also includes places such as basement walls, decks, exterior cracks, vents, water heaters, air conditioning units, electrical wiring, foundation footings, sprinkler systems and any other places that might prove to be a termite haven. You will most likely find that your home will be completely furnished, as they will most likely do an inspection on the kitchen, dining room and bathroom.



As part of the inspection, your inspector will be documenting everything he finds. This documentation will help to prove to any future home buyers that your home has been treated against termites and this will ensure that they are happy homeowners. The documentation that will be required is nothing more than a couple hundred dollar bills for the first year and then yearly fees for everything. Of course, you will be offered a discount if you pay in advance or take out a mortgage, but this is all the same no matter what type of mortgage you get.


There really isn't any way to trick the home inspector and make it look like you didn't do anything at all with regards to termite treatments. If he discovers termites he will document exactly how many were found, the size and any other information that he can find. Once your termite inspection is over and you have had the time to thoroughly research the home's overall condition, you will decide if you would like to purchase the house or move on to the next one. You can learn a lot by doing a termite inspection, so don't hesitate to learn more about them before you make up your mind. If you aren't sure whether or not you have termites, you are better off waiting until you have hired a professional to come in and let you know.


Visit us on https://beztbuildingandpestinspections.com.au/
