
Repercussions of A Broken Exhaust


Your car has a thousand components, all working together to reach a common goal, your vehicle movement. Out of these thousands of parts, few wear fast, while others take time and lose their efficiency at a slow pace depending on the usage and their location. The exhaust system tends to wear faster than other car parts as it is located underneath your vehicle and is in regular touch with salt and smut from the roads. The exhaust system is your car’s respiratory system which emits harmful and toxic gases and reduces noise level produced as a result of fuel combustion in the engine. The flow of exhaust gas varies according to the way the system has been designed. It may flow through one or more of the cylinder head and exhaust manifold, a turbocharger, a catalytic converter, or a silencer. Unlike battery, brakes, and tyres, understanding and maintaining your exhaust system is quite complex. It is not feasible for many drivers to lay down and check the condition of the exhaust. However, it is recommended to keep inspecting its condition from time to time as a broken exhaust not only impacts the vehicle’s performance but also the environment. Let’s look at six most adverse consequences to a broken exhaust system:


1. Reduced Fuel Efficiency and Raised Emission: Besides channelising toxic gases and reducing noise level, the other imperative function of the exhaust system is maintaining fuel efficiency. Due to leakage in the exhaust, it's not possible to maintain adequate pressure within the system which can have an adverse impact on its fuel consumption and emission levels. Any exhaust leak occurred in close proximity of engine can lead to fuel wastage.


3. Threatens Other Car Components: The heat from the exhaust gases could burn the delicate or plastic parts, gaskets, or wires around the engine which causes a burning smell with little smoke. Get your vehicle checked right away if you sense any burning smell or smoke when sitting inside your car.


4. Gases Start Flowing Towards Cabin: An exhaust leak can direct the carbon monoxide to the passenger compartment through the vent located at the bottom of the windshield. Exposure to carbon monoxide, nitrogen monoxide, and nitrogen oxide gases for more than 2 hours could cause dizziness, nausea, headaches, choking, or even death if the exposure is prolonged.


5. Louder Engine Sound: Exhaust system regulates the engine sound with the help of its imperative part silencer AKA muffler. Silencer is located in the middle or back of the exhaust (depending on the car’s make), with a purpose of lowering down the noise level and releasing the exhaust gases safely out of the vehicle's system. Even a hair-line crack in the silencer could cause a loud, unpleasant rattling noise. This noise is so irritating that your hands will automatically steer your vehicle to a car mechanic for sure.


6. Performance Deterioration: Faulty or leaky exhaust can make your engine struggle more than it should in order to produce the power needed. As a result, you won’t be able to accelerate your vehicle well, and this issue will get worse if you do not fix the leaking exhaust.


7. Failed MOT: It is quite evident that a broken exhaust can result in an MOT failure. Advanced corrosion, missing silencer baffles, raised noise level, and loose exhaust mountings are the other causes of failing the MOT.


With a little attention and care, you can keep your exhaust system free from serious leaks or advanced corrosion. For Exhaust Repair Newport motorists rush to Trade Price Tyres. Call us if you really want to avoid the consequences mentioned above.