
Garden Pests and How to Maintain Them?

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wikipidya @wikipidya · Sep 22, 2022
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If we could garden without any interference from pests that attack plants, gardening would actually be a simple matter. But all the time we have to pay attention to these small enemies of small size, but formidable in the chaos they bring.


Since human diseases can often be prevented by hygienic conditions, pests can be kept away from strict garden hygiene. Garbage dumps are insect habitats. I don't think the compost heap will cause any harm, but dirty spots seem problematic.


There are some of them that help deter pests. The constant stirring of the soil by earthworms helps to keep the soil open to air and water. Many of our birds feed on insects. Sparrows, robins, chickpeas, larks, and orioles are examples of birds that help in this way. Some insects feed on other harmful insects. Some species of beetles do this good deed. Flying helps too. And frogs are surprised at how many insects they can eat in one meal. The frog deserves a good attitude from all of us.


Every gardener should try to make his garden an attractive place for birds and frogs. A good aviary, a sprinkling of wheat in early spring, or a watering place is an invitation to the birds to stay in your garden for a while. If you like frogs, cook something for them too. On a hot summer day, the Frog likes to relax in the shade. At night he is ready to go to eat, but not to kill, because frogs prefer live food. How can you "fix" Frogs? Well, one thing to do is to prepare a shelter, quiet, dark, and damp. A few stones of a certain size lie in the shade of a bush with, perhaps, a carpet of wet leaves, and it looks very beautiful for a frog.


There are two types of insects that are known for how they do their job. The species that gnaws at the plant takes its pieces into its body. This insect species has a mouth equipped to do this job. Grasshoppers and caterpillars of this species. Another type absorbs the juices of the plant. In some ways, this is the worst Person. There is a place for aphids, as well as mosquitoes that prey on us. All scaly insects settle on plants and absorb plant life.


Can we fight these classes now? Gnawing companions can be infected by poison sprayed on plants, which they carry in their bodies along with the plant. Bordeaux mixture is a poison that is sprayed on plants for this purpose.


In another case, the only thing to do is to attack the insect directly. Then some insecticides, as they are called, are sprayed on the plant so that they fall on the insect. They do a deadly job, somehow attacking the insect's body.


Sometimes we are very worried about underground insects at work. I saw a garden covered with anthills. There is one pleasure here, but with which one should be careful.


This question is constantly asked: "How can I find out what destructive action an insect is doing? Well, you can find out partly by the work done, and partly by looking at the insect itself. The latter is not always easy to achieve. I've had worms for a whole season, and I haven't seen one yet. I just saw the job done. If clean and soft plant stems are cut, be sure to make a cut: what does it look like? This is a difficult question because you have a large family. If you sometimes see a gray striped caterpillar, you may know that it is a carved caterpillar, but because of the habit of resting on the ground during the day and working at night, it is difficult to see it. At the beginning of the season, Cor sees me, when the peas arrive a little later, he is ready for them. There is a great way to avoid placing paper or tin collars around plants. These collars should be about a centimeter from the plant.


Of course, aphids are more common. The ones we see most often are green. But they can be red, yellow, or brown. Lice are quite easy to find because they always cling to their host. Since sucking insects must cling to a food plant, you will definitely find them. But the biting insects do their job, and then they hide. Because of this, it is more difficult to deal with him.


Pink slugs severely damage rose bushes. They eat the body of the leaves, leaving only sweat. They are soft, green on top and yellow on the bottom.


The striped beetle attacks young melons and pumpkin leaves. Eat the leaf, getting rid of the holes in it. This beetle, as the name implies, is striped. The back is black with yellow longitudinal stripes.


Then slugs appear, which are garden pests. The snail devours almost any garden plant, be it a flower or a vegetable. They lay a lot of eggs in old garbage heaps. Do you see anything good in garbage collection? Snails cause more damage in the garden than almost all other harmful insects. They can be found as follows. There is a trick to bring them to the surface of the earth during the day. Look who is resting underground during the day. Then water the soil where the snails should be. How do you know where they are? They will most likely hide next to the plants they feed on. Then pour a small amount of pure lime water on the floor. This will make them angry, and they will also knock to find out what the problem is.


In addition to these most common pests and pests that infect many plant species, there are special pests for special plants. Unpleasant, isn't it? Beans have their own pests, as do potatoes and cabbage. In fact, there are many inhabitants in the Garden. In the flower garden, lice are very annoying, worms and snails also have fun there, and ants often acquire a very large number during the season. But for really unpleasant problems with insects, the prize goes to the vegetable garden. If we are going to bear fruit to some extent, then perhaps we will have to abandon the vegetable garden in favor of a vegetable garden.


A common pest in the garden is the tomato worm. It is a large worm with yellow or green stripes. Its effect is to eat small fruits.


There is a large light green caterpillar on the celery. This larva can be distinguished by black stripes, one on each ring or part of its body.


You can tell about the pumpkin insect by its brown body, which is long and thin, and an unpleasant smell when killed. The potato beetle is another colleague to watch out for. It is a beetle with yellow and black stripes along the cortical part of the back. A small green cabbage worm is the perfect hindrance. This is a small larva, smaller than a tomato worm. This is probably the most common garden pest by name.