
About this guy Enn , he was a ''friend'', a fan that i met in pug and  became friends, i was helpin him in pugs etc and he used to talk about dirty stuff all the time and I used to jk about it , as I do with my ALL MY FRIENDS, but since he was always talking about this stupid stuff all the time, I was joking as well, NEVER SENT OR ASKED FOR ANYTHING. Putting a few pictures and creating a disgusting scenario behind IS RIDICULOUS and not a JOKE. Pedophilia is a serious crime! I gave a knife for his birthday BECAUSE HE SAID HE LOST EVERYTHING in a gamble, who knows me know i talk a lot of shit to friends and will always make jokes. VERY CONVENIENTLY,I can't post screenshots because he ALWAYS talked to me via snapchat and I don't have proof.

AND WHO THE HELL tries to destroy someones life with a serious accusation like that and asks sorry after via private message???? i NEVER SENT or ASKED ANYTHING! Yes, i replied to his jokes and gave the knife today but thats IT. I am going today to the local authorities because this is a serious matter and the police will easily solve this by checking. I will not let a DISGUSTING accusation like that continue. To no celular por isso demorei pra responder tudo, sou bobao com amigos desde o crossfire e sempre fui assim “gay” eu vou pegar

meu  pc e postar tudo melhor espero que entendam e nao julguem sem saber, sim tem prints

mas nunca

mandei nada nem pedi pra esse cara, por favor usem o google pra traduzir no momento estou sem pc e nao fui retirado da whalers por causa disso, eu pedi pra sair pois nao estava maia feliz