
The Ultimate Guide to to solar power


Solar power is a form of energy that is derived from the sun’s rays and uses the power and heat that the sun produces. Due to the fact that it is renewable, it can be considered a green source of energy. Below, you can find a brief on solar power, how it works, and how it can change in the near future.

History of solar power

There has always been a fascination with the sun among mankind since the beginning of time. As far back as ancient civilizations are concerned, the sun was regarded as a god or goddess by ancient civilizations. The sun has played an important role in agricultural and farming efforts throughout history by rays from the sun allowing crops to grow and sustaining populations to survive.

It is only in recent years, however, that we have developed the ability to harness the incredible power of the sun. In terms of the future of renewable energy and sustainability, the resulting technologies have promising implications. 

Silicon photovoltaic cells were developed by Bell Labs in 1954. It was not until 1954 that solar energy began to be a viable source of electricity to power devices, despite the fact that it had previously been captured and converted into usable energy through various methods. Today’s solar panels are capable of converting sunlight into electricity with efficiency levels above 20%, a number that is constantly increasing. The first solar cells convert solar radiation into electricity with a 4 percent efficiency rate.

The cost of solar had been driving down for some time, but state and federal policy incentives have reduced the cost of solar far enough to make it more widely adopted. There are 126 million residential households in the country, and solar power powering 11 million of them is enough to meet their needs.

How does solar power work?

Almost everyone has seen photovoltaic (PV) panels on a rooftop, a handheld solar device, or even a spacecraft – these large, mirror-like panels. A solar panel operates as a conductor, absorbing the sun’s rays, heating them up, and converting them into energy (and electricity).

It is also possible to harness the power of the sun on a larger scale by using solar thermal power plants to create energy. The purpose of these plants is to use the heat of the sun to boil water, which will then be used to power steam turbines. It is estimated that thousands of people can be supplied with electricity by these plants.

Why is solar power a “greener” choice?

Solar Power( such as wind power and unlike fossil fuels) is an unlimited and permanent energy resource. With improvement of technology the PV panels materials become “greener”. The carbon footprint of solar power shrinks more and more and the use of solar power becomes more accessible to the masses so the use of fossil fuels will reduce

Why isn’t solar power more common?

Just like wind power, solar power is dependent on weather conditions and sunlight levels in a particular area. Consequently, areas with poor sunlight or often cloudy weather may have difficulties utilizing solar power.

Furthermore, solar power can be an expensive endeavor. In addition to requiring a large amount of land, these technologies are often very expensive. But with improvement of technology scientists try to find an affordable, efficient solution for using solar power instead of fossil fuels.

Source: https://palmoreco.com/blog/need-to-know-about-solar-power/