
a new video i created 09-7-2021 https://streamable.com/g2c6yn


real canadians ain't having any peace, or joy... straight after turdeau put us in the hole, conservatives came into to exacerbate the mess by charging canadians for health care, dental care, food, including cost of inflation... canadians are now a dying breed, and majorly suffering, because of those clowns... TURDeau's got penis breath from all the syrian, and ukrainium cock hes been sucking that fking psychopathic cockroach.... 


turdeau and chubby dougie pissed billions of dollars to the ukraine scam... they weren't being cheap... yet an elderly person almost accidentally k*lls himself with a slip and fall on the ice, because fords a cheapskate, and refuses to sand the sidewalks... i got no pity for ukraine. the ceo's of ukraine are laughing at canadians, while they pocket all that money... hardly any of it goes towards ukraine... conservatives are for the rich, and they will let you die on the streets while they charge you trillions for health care that hardly anyone can afford.


trudeau is a megalomaniac, putting veterans, children, the disabled, and real canadians on the street to suffer in poor living conditions... TURDeau is a cold hearted psychopathic megalomaniac pissing away money that's not his on foreigners, illegal immigrants, and terrorist... pissing away your tax money on expensive vacations to syria, incinerating money on the global scandals, including the ukraine scam... 


while canadians are forced to suffer on the streets, and pay inflation prices.... we pay dumb dumb to have a responsibility in canada, not piss away money all over the globe. i got no respect for the psychopathic maniac... i will not vote, will not recycle garbage, or do nice things, unless i see the money... the government owes me five hundred billion dollars.... 


i do not watch television, listen to the radio, or read the newspaper... i do not waste my time with governmental superficial fashion, influence, or negative popularity !! the media is bought and owned by crooked ceo's and fradualent governments, and i caught onto the big scheme thirty years ago... trudeau is to blame for canadians living below the poverty level, starving on the streets, and not being able afford to go to school, or take proper training to create high paying jobs that support a quality of life.  


TURDeau is a loser, cry baby, moron, egotistical idiot, hater of real canadians, and all he has to say is "at least we got weed" TURDeau is a freeloading mentally challenged fascist psychopath, preying on children, and vulnerable canadians !!  trudeau is a perverted turnip brain, and laughing stock of the world...

 and now that the ford idiots are in they likely will try to corrupt ontario canada even more by turning canada into the united states then privatizing health care... if i were to work i'd need to be making a minimum of eight hundred thousand dollars a year and reach upper class... whose going to pay my education to get that kind of job ? i will never work in my entire lifetime, unless i get paid a comfortable, and sustainable quality lifestyle. 


written by the Professopher