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This information has been trance-channelled from the Angelic Realm. Please don't confuse this meditation technique with other traditional meditation techniques, which are taught by others, for other purposes. Ascended Master EL Morya (Merlin) asked me to write down this once I speak ahead of audiences, about this meditation technique:

"Some of the items i'm close to mention might not resonate with you... which is OK. For during this world, there are always differences, and it's those differences palm angels clothing that make interesting opportunities; to philosophise upon what has been spoken about.

However, what's not excellent , is for one to remain closed, and become judgemental upon the knowledge I bring forth; for it serves no purpose. It creates frustration within you; and it also blocks the chance , for those that are able to embrace learning... and therefore the opportunity to maybe believe things on a special level.

So i might ask all of you here today, to listen; to ponder; and whilst it's going to not resonate with you; please respect the very fact that it's going to resonate with others."

If you're new meditating, or maybe considering meditating for the primary time, there are variety of advantages to be had from meditation. there's an Ascension process happening through 2011 and lots of people are awakening to enlightenment. it's going to be that you simply have felt 'drawn' to the present article, or drawn to seem for the proper thanks to meditate.

Meditation, for the overwhelming majority of individuals is that the only thanks to hook up with the Angelic Realm and therefore the Creator. Prayer, for the bulk , is asking questions or posing for things to happen, whereas meditation is that the listening process, for the answers and guidance.

The benefits of meditation are many. it'll assist you reduce your stress levels, so you are feeling less anxious.lower your vital sign . offer your body time to heal.create balance and harmony in your physical, mental and ethereal bodies. promote a more positive attitude . enable connection to spirit and therefore the Godhead.

When meditating, you would like to seek out the stillness. it's going to take a short time before you'll let all thoughts go. this is often where and angel guided meditation helps.

There are 3 phases to the stillness:

1. Auric level

2. Physical ethereal level

3. Astral level

Let's check out these levels during a little more detail.

Auric level: this is often where you discover the initial quiet; the stillness, where you've got abandoning of thoughts.

Physical ethereal level: Here is where you are feeling the blackness enclosing you as you begin to lose awareness of your surroundings and out of doors noises.

Astral ethereal level: What i'm close to describe may be a sequence of events which will happen as your meditation time progresses. this might happen very quickly after a couple of meditations, or it's going to take many hours, however, you now have the power to see how you're progressing.

Here you begin seeing colours, shapes, symbols and faces. Initially you'll see colours rising ahead of your eyes, like clouds floating upwards from rock bottom of your eyelids. the colors may start of orange, red and yellow. When the colors change to purple, you recognize you're advancing.

Soon you'll see symbols or faces. The angelic realm work with sacred geometry and symbology, so you'll eventually see different symbols appear now then . Don't believe them; just observe and see where it takes you.

Faces may appear. Sometimes they're tiny and enter view. Sometimes they seem from the side. they'll rotate or float around. Just follow them palmangelsclothing and observe. you'll see them watching you. Sometimes they're going to be alien to you. If faces appear that appear negative to you and a touch frightening, simply tell them to travel away. this is often you, accessing the negative images of your unconscious .

You may find you begin feeling as if you're falling into darkness. this will be a touch unnerving; just accompany the meditation stupidly about what may happen.

At some point you'll start to ascertain star-gates which look a touch like smoke-rings, emanating from behind your eyes and slowly drifting forwards, off into the space ahead of your eyelids. Imagine you're rummaging through a railway tunnel, with a small light at the top of the tunnel, and a smoke ring starts from the near the doorway and flows down the tunnel, getting smaller towards the top because it reaches the top , another ring appears and follows.

These smoke rings could also be in several colours as you progress your meditations. the great news is that you simply are very almost connection to the Angelic Realm. The more you experience this, the stronger these visions will appear, and at some stage, you'll feel yourself being drawn into the funnel created by the smoke rings/star-gate; a touch like what it must be wish to be dragged into a region in space.

You are creating a vortex; a toroidal which connects you to the Godhead and therefore the Angelic Realm.

You now have a sequence of events to assist you chart your progress. Before you plan to track your progress, let's check out a number of the techniques of meditating which can assist you achieve the simplest progress within the shortest possible time for you.


Posture is extremely important. you ought to always have your back horizontal. Your breathing must resonate and align together with your chakras. Liken it to a implement , which has got to be straight to resonate the sound. A hunched posture on a settee or up against an object like a wall, restricts the resonation. Your lungs cannot fill to capacity as your stomach is pushed into them and your breathing is affected. So whether you sit upright or lie horizontal, matters not, as long as you've got a straight back.

Some people prefer to sit cross legged with an upright back. a number of us, however, are simply unable to try to to that. Personally, i prefer to take a seat during a comfy sofa type chair, with a cushion behind my back, keeping my back upright. I remove my shoes, in order that I can place my feet firmly on the ground in order that i'm grounded, and that i place my hands, palms slightly facing up, one on each thigh. I confirm i do not wear a decent belt or clothing which can restrict my breathing, and that i hold my head straight.


Now, some people teach visualisation for meditation, but not most are clairvoyant. the truth is that the majority people are clairsentient, and a few people are clairaudient; and there are only a few people that are clairvoyant.

Clairvoyant: sees spirit.

Clairaudient: hears spirit.

Clairsentient: feels spirit.

It is sad that the media ask all psychic mediums as being a clairvoyant, when the truth is that only a few of them see spirit. My wife Jill is presented with all three, which is rare. She feels, hears and sees spirit.

Now, albeit visualisation for several people seems difficult, let's escape from this fancy term 'visualise' and obtain into reality. Everyone with sight has memories they will see in pictures. we expect in pictures. Try to not consider a pink elephant with big purple spots. albeit it had been just for a nano-second, that image will have appeared in your mind. Most of you'll remember a transparent blue , a lush green grass meadow, a mountain, a valley, a beach, the sea, a woodland, a winding pathway leading astray into the space , a pyramid, a stairway, stepping stones, a river, a brook, a waterfall. Get the picture:)

Some of us struggle imagining colours. OK; find the color you struggle with. for instance it's orange. Go and find an orange, or an image of an orange; check out it for a short time then close your eyes and commit it to memory it'll come easy. Many of the colors in angel guided meditations are the colors of the rainbow, so get to a computer, do a Google search from rainbows; click into Google images, and you'll find many images to seem at, close your eyes, and remember.

When we are teaching people to meditate, we frequently place a variety of colored cards on the ground , for people to seem at, before they close their eyes to meditate. This helps people remember the colors .

In Part 2, I explain about the special breathing technique required, and the way you'll track your progress, to stay you motivated towards being connected to the angelic realm.