
Fake Cures For Fake Plagues =))



  1. Save girls from the horrors of breast cancer by chopping off their tits before they have a chance to catch it.
  2. End the terror of smelly socks by chopping off your baby's feet.
  3. Avoid the troubles of sniffles by removing your nose.
  4. Protect yourself from paper cuts by chopping off your hands (maybe get someone to help with the 2'nd 1 =))
  5. Stop yourself from seeing things you don't like by gouging your eyes out.
  6. Fight fatigue by drowning yourself in a bath tub so you never have to wake up.
  7. Fight against (((Corruption))) by helping jooz ~>  https://justpaste.it/9m7gb  LOL ~>  https://justpaste.it/8a30g
  8. Fight for justice by releasing criminals & letting the terrorists riot =)) ~>  https://justpaste.it/3zmxr
  9. Fight for 'safety' by attacking victims of tyranny ~>  https://justpaste.it/2ce64  Or 'Fight For Peace' by destroying other countries ROFL! ~> https://justpaste.it/6xec5  and  https://justpaste.it/4phdy  Et Zedra! https://justpaste.it/6g2kl  OnnaNon!  https://justpaste.it/1jmla
  10. But most importantly, last though certainly not least: Fight to end plagues that really don't even exist by injecting yourselves with poisons designed to shorten your life by creating perpetual Autoimmune Disease ~>  https://justpaste.it/2vilp Anzo Awn ~>  https://bit.ly/3HpMPBH  . . .

