
T Hawk On Working Hard & Investing In Your Career


T Hawk is a New Jersey gospel hip-hop artist who is taking her music and career to new heights this year. Her most popular singles, “Hello” and “Prayer Lord,” are a just taste of her abilities as an artist and a glimpse at her heart behind her desire to make music. These tracks, as well as the others in her current discography, are also a testament to her work ethic and drive. 


When T Hawk is not being the life of the party at music events, interviews, and shows, she is in her studio working on music. T Hawk understands that a career in music does not come easily. It takes hard work, but that hard work does pay off as T Hawk has only just begun to see in her own career. Her new release "Always With You" has been gaining good attention and seems like the next it under her belt. The independent artist is changing the way music is thought of today. T Hawk shows us that you don't have to compromise nor do you have to talk about sex, drugs, and money to make an impact. She is spoken very highly of by her peers and fellow rapper Skii Mask Jordan says, "She is one of the most genuine people out there." New Jersey is very rough for a lot of people, but T Hawk has taken on the challenge of making serious change!


You can follow T Hawk on Instagram @hawktiff or any of her other platforms at https://linktr.ee/hawktiff
