
Is Kybella Safe, and Does it Really Work?

You look in the mirror, and you don’t like what you see. Age creeps upon you, and your body does not seem to process fat as well as it did when you were younger. Often aging results in a double chin that makes you look older than you are. You can also blame your double chin on genetics, your diet, lack of exercise, or a sedentary lifestyle. There is an easy answer to a double chin, and it does not require surgery or liposuction that can leave you scars and a lengthy recovery period. Check with Ageless Aesthetics to find out about Kybella, an injectable that permanently reduces your double chin.

What is Kybella?

Kybella® is the only FDA-approved treatment targeting the fat under your chin. It is a simple treatment that utilizes a chemical identical to a bile chemical made in the human body. This ingredient is called deoxycholic acid. This acid helps to absorb fat by destroying fat cells. Once those cells are damaged or destroyed, cells can no longer store far. In other words, these cells cannot gain back the fat they previously held. Sounds simple, and it is. Treatment with Kybella is spread across several sessions that can span several months. It is a quick procedure and has very few risks and side effects. Kybella is a non-surgical and cosmetic injection. You no longer need liposuction to remove chin fat. Liposuction can be very effective, but it requires anesthesia incisions under the chin and possibly behind the ears. The healing time for liposuction is long and often painful. Also, fat can regrow under your chin if you change your lifestyle or gain weight.

Kybella destroys fat cells and eliminates the dreaded double chin. Why would you want to get rid of your double chin? At least 80% of people who have a double chin wish to get rid of it. With a decreased double chin, you have the potential to look younger and gain back your self-esteem. Regaining confidence may seem like a small thing. Still, by rejuvenating the facial profile and eliminating something that people often view negatively, you will find that the Kybella procedure is worth every bit of time and money you spend on it. Studies by dieticians, behavior psychologists, and clinicians prove that having extra fat under your chin and at the top of your neck affects your day-to-day life. You may feel uncomfortable with a double chin, and if you are a violinist or a golfer, a double chin can get in the way. 

The Kybella Treatment

Once you have decided to get Kybella treatments, you will get anywhere from 12-20 injections during a single session. You may need two or three visits spaced a month apart for maximum efficacy. Sessions take about 15 minutes, so they are quick. Most people spend about an hour in the clinic for the total treatment. This time includes prep time, administration of numbing cream, and recovery. The number of sessions you have does depend on your treatment plan, and Ageless Aesthetics tailors everything to your goals and anatomy. Treatments are done in the clinic in a comfortable reclining chair or lying down. A local anesthetic is often administered to make you comfortable. You may need to wait in the room after the treatment to ensure no adverse side effects.

You can expect some redness and swelling at the injection sites, but the side effects disappear within a few hours. Call your provider right away if you experience any other side effects, such as a sore throat, excessive pain, or inability to move your lower face. Do know that results can vary from patient to patient with all injections and treatments.


You can expect some pain and numbness and a bit of swelling and redness after a Kybella treatment. For a day or so, some areas may be hard to touch. Watch for muscle weakness and any asymmetry in your smile. Other than that, you are good to go after treatment. It often takes about two to four treatments sessions before you notice a difference in your chin profile. Just be patient. It does take time for the cells to b destroyed and eliminated from your body. If you have some excess skin after the treatment, consult with Ageless Aesthetics to see what skin tightening procedures can do. 

Kybella really works! It is safe and FDA-approved, and when a certified provider does treatment, the results are fantastic. Contact Ageless Aesthetics in Moscow, ID, at https://agelessaestheticsrn.com or call the clinic at 208-882-7706. Appointments are available from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Monday to Friday.