
Best Light Bulbs For Bedroom

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@anonymous · Nov 29, 2021

Are searching for the Best Light Bulbs For Bedroom. You can raise your hand if you find yourself overwhelmed by the lighting aisle. I feel there are plenty too many options, and I'm not sure what bulb to choose--there are too many different sizes or strengths and the warmth. Because I'm overwhelmed by the choices, I generally stay with the same bulb that I used before or choose without thinking. In other words, I'd stand in the store for home improvement for an entire hour, looking at lumens and wondering if it differs from Watts. 


However, the correct light can transform a space, and after having walked through rooms with a variety of types of lights (which is the result when you choose blindly), I'm sure it's not ideal. But, like all things in life, it's not that difficult to comprehend when you take the time to determine what exactly the word "lumen" means.

We asked the Seattle-based designer, Sherri Monte, of Simple Simplicity to provide us with the basics of picking the best lighting bulb for your space.



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Let There Be Lumens

My opinion is that among the more difficult aspect of lighting bulbs are lumens. To simplify things, it is a measurement of brightness. Bulbs with higher luminosity emit more light. However, it is important to remember that lumens are not identical to Watts, which indicate the amount of energy a bulb makes use of.

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If you're considering the perfect lighting for space, it is important to think about the purpose of the room: "When you're considering brightness or strength of a light, what you first need to decide is what you'll want to do with that light," Monte says. Monte. "Are you seeking an overall ambient, task or even accent light? ?"

When you think about strength, Monte suggests considering the strength in terms of lumens per space. Here's the way she suggests:

  • Kitchens: 6,000-10,000 lumens
  • Bathrooms are rated between 5,000 and 8,000 lumens.
  • Bedrooms The light level should be between 3,000 and 4,000 lumens.
  • The Living Room: between 2,000 and 4,000 Lumens
  • Dining Room Dining Room: 3,000-6,000 lumens

The light bulb itself could produce anywhere between 300 - 1,600 lumens (and often more). To determine the optimal lumen-per-light ratio, you'll need to perform a bit of math (I realize this isn't exactly what you were signing up for, but it's very easy). "You'll want to consider how many light sources there are for each room," Monte says. Monte. "In a living room, you might have two to four light sources, while in a bedroom, you may simply have bedside table lamps." Utilize the formula [total lumens for the space] / [number lights] to determine how many lumens you'll need for each light bulb. For instance, when you're seeking 2 000 lumens for your living room, and there are four sources of light, you'll need to target 500 lumens for each light source.

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Run A Temperature Check

Once you've decided on how many lumens you'll need, you can look at the temperature of the bulbs. This can be measured using Kelvin (K). The colour light intensity ranges from 1000 to 10,000, and the smaller your Kelvin value, the higher lighting. To give you some perspective, the light emitted by a candle is around 1,900K light. The blue sky has 10,000K.

In this case, you'll need to consider the overall style of your room, as warmer light can be warmer, while cool bulbs are generally more effective in task lighting. A bulb's warm glow is essential for things like applying makeup when you'll want the light to resemble the natural light. There are, thankfully, "daylight" light bulbs for precisely this purpose.

In selecting the right bulbs for her customers, Monte recommends the following warm tones in every space:

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  • Kitchens: 4,100K
  • Bathrooms: 4,100K
  • Bedrooms: 2,700K
  • Living Room Living Room: 2,700K
  • Dining Room Dining Room: 2,700K

As you will see, she makes use of warmer bulbs for bedrooms and living spaces when you'd like a relaxed, calming vibe: " A warm light will make a clean and modern home feel cosier by softening the overall look and feel of the space," she elaborates.

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There's More With the perfect light output and Kelvin ratings, make your way into the light bulb aisle only to find many different options to meet your requirements. There's a good chance you'll be able to choose between incandescent and LED bulbs. Although incandescents tend to be less expensive, Monte says to go for LEDs that last for 25 times longer and consume 75 % less power by the U.S. Department of Energy.

"LEDs are the present and in the future in our book," she elaborates. "They are not just long-lasting and last longer, but they also provide an amazing warm glow to the room. Additionally that they're less hot, while they're an initial investment; however, their longevity, as well as energy efficiency, are well worth it over the long run."

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Make sure that the bulb's wattage isn't over the recommended maximum for the light source. This is yet another reason to choose LEDs as they generally are less watty than comparable incandescent alternatives.

"We've settled on Philips as our go-to brand for light bulbs," Monte says. Monte. "They knock it out of the park when it comes to LEDs with a soft, warm glow that's great for nearly every room while also being modern."

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Still, Confused? Go With A Smart Bulb

If you're unsure if you'd prefer cool or warm lighting for your space, you can get an ideal blend of a smart light bulb like Philips Hue. Philips Hue.

These bulbs can not only be controlled via your smartphone. They also come with an array of 50,000 shades of white light that let you choose the ideal shade for your room. They're more expensive than regular bulbs. However, they're Energy Star-certified and can last for 25,000 hours.