
Kettlebell Kings Presents: Kettlebell Jump Squat ֠Part of 4 Week Intro To Kettlebell Sport Program

This is from: http://blog.kettlebellkings.com/kettlebell-sport-4-week-beginner-training-program

Subcribe to YouTube Channel for more workouts and technique breakdowns!

Kettlebell Kings has created a 4 Week Beginner Training Program for Kettlebell Sport. This breaks down one of the movements in the training. Kettlebell Sport has all the elements that make for a good training regimen and workout! You build strength, endurance and test your will!

The Basics of Kettlebell Sport:

1) endurance kettlebell lifting, lifters have 10 minutes to complete as many reps as possible
2) efficiency and technique are important to maintain energy throughout set
3) lifters compete in specific lifts with either one arm or two arms

The Benefits:

1) great goals to motivate your workouts
2) blend of strength, endurance, balance and coordination in one workout equals efficiency
3) build amazing mental tenacity, this carries over to other aspects of life

To read more about the program visit: http://blog.kettlebellkings.com/kettlebell-sport-4-week-beginner-training-program

Subcribe to YouTube Channel for more workouts and technique breakdowns!

