
The Best Care for Your Lovely Dog

As they say, the “dog” is the best friend of man! But never when it has scary teeth! Do you know that your dog can’t look friendly with that abnormal tooth in its jaw? Dogs are similar to humans – especially when it comes to smiling. However, when they’re in pain, dogs can be uncontrollably aggressive unlike humans. If your dog has pain in its mouth or an abnormal teeth growth, then the Tranquille Vet Animal Hospital is the best answer! They offer the best Dog Dental Care Kamloops and guarantee the best results after the procedure.


Dental Health for your pets is vital as it concerns your pet’s general health. As a human being, you’ll notice that anyone suffering from dental diseases feels so uncomfortable! Likewise a dog! Pain in one aspect of the mammalian body can result into diverse health conditions like kidney issues, heart conditions, as well as bacterial infections. So if you are keen about making your pet happy and smiling all day long, visit Tranquille Vet Animal Hospital and their staff will provide great Dog Dental Care Kamloops. If your dog experience signs, like bad breath, reddish, irritated gums with teeth and discoloration, do not hesitate to bring him to Tranquille Vet Animal Hospital. Some dogs might have brown or yellowish solid coatings on their teeth or tartar, fractured, worn-down teeth and loose teeth, and when they smile, they look unfriendly and scary. So why not get this service and help your lovely animal get rid of discomfort, pain, and teeth issues.


Another trauma in pets is dog soft tissue injury. Notwithstanding the quality of the care given to your dogs, they’ll still encounter injuries via accidents which may be severe or mild. We refer to such injuries as soft tissue issues. They are tissues surrounding the bones as well as the joints like; tendon, muscle, and ligaments. It is common in dogs, describing the injuries which put them in pains without any outward bone fracture or skin lacerations. At Kamloops vet clinic, the experts offer top-notch quality dog soft tissue injury treatment. These experts are assigned to take care of your dog, and as soon as they could not find underlying bone destruction, it means that the treatment would rely upon severity of such damage. Mild bruising could be cured with an anti-inflammatory medicine like; deracoxib, ketoprofen, aspirin, carprofen, or etodalac. If you opt for this dog soft tissue injury treatment at Kamloops Vet Clinic, the dog will get better within 3-5 days! Where there is absence of healing, surgery becomes the next option. In the case of soft tissue injury, improvement should be from 3-5 days, if not, the veterinarian could go for reevaluation!


Rest assured that the whole team at Tranquille Vet Animal Hospital is skilled and knowledgeable in all types of conditions and treatments. Beyond first rate pet care, this team has done everything in order to make the clinic as comfortable and inviting as possible. Each service is provided in a friendly atmosphere, so rest easy that you and your pet will feel wonderful. Visit this animal hospital today and see the professionalism of this team yourself.