
Enhance Your Social Media Marketing with Graphic Design


Human beings are attracted to visuals. A collage of beautiful and eye-catching visuals appeal to us more than lengthy descriptions without any visual reference, and hence the saying, “a picture is worth a thousand words.”


To satisfy the human demand, you have to make your products and services visible in the eye of the consumer to urge them to buy them. For example, if you are offering a cleaning service, then a visual representation of the cleaning process with equipment will make a better impact than just a detailed description of how you will clean the premises. 


Since social media in Bahrain has become the ultimate marketing and promotional tool for businesses big and small in the region, it is the right time that owners focus on improving the character of online marketing and social media posts with the help of graphic design.


A business promotion post has to be catchy and attractive. You cannot post raw and unedited pictures because it will not appeal to the target audience. Experts of graphic design in Bahrain will take the same picture, add design elements and catchphrases, creating a banner or pictorial representation of your service to grab the attention of the consumers. 


Graphic Design Tips for Social Media


Graphic design for social media is the convergence of creativity and smart marketing skills. If you blend it well, then nothing can stop your business from ruling the realm of social media. Here are a few tips to follow:


  • The first step is to figure out the purpose followed by formulating the concept of the post, is it to launch a new product or announce a special deal or increase traffic on the page and website, etc. 
  • Determine the consumers that you want to target. The post has to be constructed, keeping the people in mind, or else it will not have the desired impact.
  • Now we will get into the core aspects of design, such as color and contrast. The color of the background and the other design elements, along with the text color, should be balanced and in complete harmony. It should not come out as distracting. Also, the choice of color should be made according to the mood or theme of the post.
  • Text and typography will come next. The text should complement the visual and not overshadow it and vice-versa. It should be crisp, catchy, and a statement-maker. Avoid overcrowding the graphic design layout with too much text as it just looks cramped up. 
  • Every business has its unique identifiable marks, such as logo, tagline, etc. and it should be included in the graphic designs.
  • Each social media graphics that you post on the platform should speak of your brand and create a consistency of brand identity and promotion.



The combination of social media and graphic design is a recipe for marketing success if you know how to prepare it. Need some help with it?


Socialight Digital Marketing is one of the leading digital marketing firms with a specialization in social media and graphic design in Bahrain. Their team of experts has years of experience in catering to different businesses across verticals and taking care of their online promotional needs. Feel free to contact us for a free consultation.


