
139249843 326387095549 139249390 326386028098
1:Initializing function q:326386028098 t:Function called at 07:47:47.707

The following values were passed as parameters to the function:

The following script settings were inherited from the current thread:
<table>Thread Name;%A_ThisLabel%
Working Dir;%A_WorkingDir%
Batch Lines;%A_BatchLines%
Title Match Mode;%A_TitleMatchMode%</table> c1:ImageFile:2archive c2:Options:dx c3:A_ThisLabel:!k c4:A_WorkingDir:C:\Scripts\AHK\Arkiver c5:A_BatchLines:10ms c6:A_TitleMatchMode:1 l:160
2:Parsing options t:The information passed to FindClick() through the options parameter (2nd param) will now be parsed into individual script settings. q:326386028370 l:176
3:dx q:326386028420 t:<table>Option ID;dx
Description;Diagnostic Mode
New value;%dx%
Assign type;User default</table>

User default means that the option was indicated without a value so the value defaulted to this string l:195 c1:dx:StartAt=#
2:Other script settings q:326386028493 l:29 c1:Center:1 c2:Silent:0 c3:Delim:
c4:Count:0 c5:CharX:x c6:CharY:y c7:CharN:n c8:Sleep:20 c9:Stay:0 c10:Func: c11:Err: c12:d: c13:m:Input c14:x:0 c15:y:0 c16:o: c17:n:1 c18:k:{Click} c19:r: c20:e: c21:a: c22:w: c23:t: c24:f:x,y t:The remaining script settings take the following default values:

1:Preparing Image File q:326386029384 t:The image file that was specified for use with imagesearch must now be located on the hard drive, and its size must be measured. l:225
2:ImageFile not seen before q:326386029469 t:Image file "2archive" has not been seen before by the function so it will now look through the default locations to find the full image path. l:10 d:2
3:(Working Dir) q:326386029484 t:Directory #1 is:


(This can be specified at the top of the script in DefaultDirs.) c1:ThisDir:
4:2archive q:326386029697 t:Trying file path:


File does not exist. c1:ImageFilePath:2archive d:1 l:272
4:Image file found q:326386029949 t:Trying file path:


Image file found! c1:ImageFilePath:2archive.png l:285 d:1
2:Image Preview - Measuring width and height q:326386030041 t:The image dimensions will be measured by quickly creating an AutoHotkey GUI containing the image. This is a relatively CPU-intensive step but only need be done once per session - the information is stored in the cache for future calls with the same image.

<table>Image Width;%ImageW%
Image Height;%ImageH%</table> g:Add,Edit,+ReadOnly -VScroll w330,2archive.png;-E0x20 +Caption +SysMenu;Add,Picture,+Border xp y+10 w330 h-1,2archive.png;Show,NA,Preview of image c1:ImageW:22 c2:ImageH:18 l:311 d:5
1:Preparing other script settings q:326386184733 t:If additional options were specified, FindClick() may need to prepare certain settings relevant to these options before performing the imagesearch. l:401
1:Searching for image q:326386185384 t:The actual ImageSearch portion of the script will now begin. This is generally the most CPU-intensive portion of the script. l:514
2:Search #1 q:326386185395 t:Searching and clicking, if applicable. g:+.*(Performing|Found).* l:520
3:Performing ImageSearch q:326386185423 t:The following line of code will execute:


Type of region: Normal l:561 u:http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/imagesearch
o d:5 c1:Code:ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, -1366, 616, -1 + 0, 1383 + 0, 2archive.png g:Color,44AADD,0000FF;Trans,80;Add,Progress,x0 y0 w1366 h768 cFF9999 BackgroundFF9999,100;Show,NA x-1366 y616 w1366 h768
3:Image Not Found t:The image was not found in the given region.

Because the "w" option (wait for an image to be found) was not used, the script will now finish. g:Color,44AADD,0000FF;Trans,80;Add,Progress,x0 y0 w1366 h768 cRed BackgroundRed,100;Show,NA x-1366 y616 w1366 h768 d:3 l:718
2:Search #2 q:326386426617 t:Searching and clicking, if applicable. g:+.*(Performing|Found).* l:520
3:Performing ImageSearch q:326386426659 t:The following line of code will execute:


Type of region: Normal l:561 u:http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/imagesearch
o d:5 c1:Code:ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 2560, 307, 4479 + 0, 1386 + 0, 2archive.png g:Color,44AADD,0000FF;Trans,80;Add,Progress,x0 y0 w1920 h1080 cFF9999 BackgroundFF9999,100;Show,NA x2560 y307 w1920 h1080
3:Image Not Found t:The image was not found in the given region.

Because the "w" option (wait for an image to be found) was not used, the script will now finish. g:Color,44AADD,0000FF;Trans,80;Add,Progress,x0 y0 w1920 h1080 cRed BackgroundRed,100;Show,NA x2560 y307 w1920 h1080 d:3 l:718
2:Search #3 q:326386656656 t:Searching and clicking, if applicable. g:+.*(Performing|Found).* l:520
3:Performing ImageSearch q:326386656691 t:The following line of code will execute:


Type of region: Normal l:561 u:http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/imagesearch
o d:5 c1:Code:ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, 2559 + 0, 1439 + 0, 2archive.png g:Color,44AADD,0000FF;Trans,80;Add,Progress,x0 y0 w2560 h1440 cFF9999 BackgroundFF9999,100;Show,NA x0 y0 w2560 h1440
3:Image Not Found t:The image was not found in the given region.

Because the "w" option (wait for an image to be found) was not used, the script will now finish. g:Color,44AADD,0000FF;Trans,80;Add,Progress,x0 y0 w2560 h1440 cRed BackgroundRed,100;Show,NA x0 y0 w2560 h1440 d:3 l:718
1:Finishing q:326386939419 t:Cache contains:
%TempCache% c1:TempCache:ribbon`#ribbon.png`#22|18|1532|80
2:Returned Value t:The function returns the following value:

%Return% c1:Return:0 l:765