
The best time for cesarean section, not 38 weeks more not 40 weeks


Although we know that normal delivery has various benefits, which is more conducive to the recovery of maternal body and the birth of the fetus, there are still some pregnant mothers who need cesarean section for various reasons. Some pregnant mothers have to choose cesarean section for safety reasons because of fetal malposition,剖腹產寶寶 umbilical cord around the neck, or too little amniotic fluid. Some expectant mothers are of advanced maternal age and are worried about a normal delivery. Cesarean section is chosen to ease the anxiety. There are pregnant mothers who can't beat their elders and have to choose a good time to give birth. Whatever the reason, once you are sure that you want to have a cesarean section, it is recommended that pregnant mothers learn more about cesarean section so that they can understand more and help themselves to recover after delivery.

So what is the best time to develop a cesarean section this time of year?

It is best to have a C-section at 39 weeks of pregnancy, when the baby's organs are almost fully formed and there are few chances of an emergency C-section, such as labor and fluid rupture, and babies born during this time are at a lower risk for a variety of illnesses than those born by C-section in the 37th or 38th week.

One study found that most fetuses mature after 37 weeks, and a normal pregnancy is around 40 weeks, so 39 weeks is just the right time to receive a C-section. Of course, some pregnant moms do have to have an early C-section, but no earlier than the 36th week of pregnancy.

Why wait until 39 weeks?

Typically, babies born after 37 weeks are considered full term, and those not delivered beyond 42 weeks are called term pregnancies. Many expectant mothers will consider choosing a good day to have a C-section after 37 weeks. While theoretically feasible and the baby is ripe for delivery, the timing isn't perfect. In fact, the period between 37 and 39 weeks is also a critical time for fetal development, especially in terms of brain development. babies born after 39 weeks perform better intellectually, are healthier, and are less prone to illness.

There are a lot of pregnant women before giving birth to a child to find someone to calculate is a good day, the fetus if we can be born in the community this work time, it will be a great wealth in the future. In fact, it is also in line with the country's natural is the best. There is no problem when the fetus is born, or to follow the laws of natural development. Of course, if you really want to have an early cesarean section, then don't go earlier than 39 weeks.


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