
safe hamster wheel

Hamsters are nocturnals, they will probably use the wheel in the evening. What if the wheel you utilize is loud? You'll most likely be disturbed as your hamster is running. This provides you a concept what function when you look for a wheel for your hamster, that is a wheel that is less noisy.

If you currently have a big hamster wheel

, then it was not as silent as it used to, have you ever questioned what you can do about this? Here are some things you can do to deal with the matter.

Non-toxic lube

You can use non-toxic lubricant for the loud hamster wheel. Detach and remove the wheel and get rid of the axle from the wheel. Use a cotton pad dapped with some lubricant to wipe the axle. Put the axle and the wheel together and the hamster wheel will be noise free.

Soak the axle

If using cotton pad doesn work, you can soak the axle in lubricant like grease for an hour. Take out the axle and wipe tidy with a cooking area towel prior to putting back with everything. Bear in mind that you can't put the plastic part into the oil so it does not get onto your hamster.

Move the cage someplace else

You can always move the hamster cage anywhere else at night when you are trying to sleep. It is not a solution to make the wheels noiseless, however at leas the noise will be outside of the room you're sleeping.

When it comes to what may be the cause of the noisy hamster wheel, there are 2 main elements. Initially, the rusting of axle. You can use vinegar to rinse hamster's toys to remove smell, but, vinegar will oxidise the metal and cause it to rust. Once it rusts, and it will be difficult. Make sure that you eliminate the axle from the wheel before washing if you're going to use vinegar. When you're going to put the axle back, make sure that the wheel is dry.

When wheels has actually been used for a long time, the axle may get used out. To avoid, you can lube the wheel frequently with the lubes mentioned above.

If your hamster wheel is beyond conserving, then you should get a new one? We recommend you to get the one from Love Hamster Wheel. It has all the functions you need and is made of plastic. It is a silent spinner, implying that it doesn't put out a lot of sound when being utilized by the hamster. The detachable disc wall style allows simple assembly, while the circular edge set make it more secure, more rugged, and effectively avoid biting.

For more details, go to https://www.amazon.com/Hamster-Wheel-Spinner-Exercise-Hamsters/dp/B01M71275D?tag=spiffy-pet-20

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