
How Do Solar Panel Systems Work?

Solar power systems provide a clean, renewable source of energy. They can be designed to generate enough electricity to offset your energy consumption and help save on utility bills.

Choosing the right panel is crucial for getting the most return on your investment. Several factors affect your choices, including space availability and solar power Melbourne requirements.


There are many factors to consider when determining the cost of a solar system. Solar panels don’t work in isolation; they need to be part of a complete system, including an inverter, mounting hardware, wires and cables. In addition, you will likely need a monitoring system that tracks production and energy use to maximize your savings.

The cost of your solar panel system also depends on the type of panel you choose. Monocrystalline solar panels have the highest cost, while polycrystalline solar panels are more affordable. Thin-film solar cells are the least expensive of all, but they don’t perform as well as other types.

Incentives and rebates may be available to help offset the cost of your solar panel system. Compare the cost of your solar system with your electricity savings to determine your breakeven point, or how long it will take for your solar power system to pay for itself. Depending on where you live, you might be eligible for additional benefits like property tax exemptions or feed in tariffs.


Energy Production

When sunlight hits the thin layer of silicon atoms within solar panels, it releases electrons. These free-flowing electrons generate electric current that is harnessed by the wiring connected to the panel for energy production. The more sunlight that hits the panel, the higher its energy potential.

Solar panels can be configured to a variety of power outputs. For example, grid-tied systems are able to tap into the power grid for backup during night or cloudy days.

Inverters convert the direct current (DC) electricity from the solar panels into alternating current (AC) electricity that can be used in homes or businesses. Performance monitoring systems provide insight into the efficiency of individual panels and overall system performance. These can be centralized inverters or microinverters affixed to each panel, which provides a more granular view of the performance of individual panels. Solar panels are usually a dark blue or black color. Polycrystalline solar cells are cut from a larger piece of pure silicon ingot—think of a huge silicon sausage—which creates a distinct pattern. Monocrystal panels, on the other hand, are a more uniform black and can achieve efficiencies up to 20%.


Although often promoted as ultra-resilient and hassle-free, solar green power panels do require regular maintenance. This includes cleaning to remove dust and debris that obstruct sunlight, periodic inspection for damage or malfunctions, and maintaining monitoring systems to ensure optimal energy production.

Keeping track of the health of a solar panel system is easy with an app that displays current output and power generation, which can help you identify a decline in performance. This could indicate that the solar panels are dirty or obstructed, so it’s important to follow your product’s guidelines for cleaning and maintenance.

In most cases, solar panel cleaning is easy enough to perform yourself using a soft brush or sponge and non-abrasive cleaner. However, since rooftop installations are usually high off the ground, it may be easier to hire a professional service to clean and inspect your solar panel system for you. Alternatively, you can invest in a telescopic pole or extendable handle to reach hard-to-reach spots.


The inverter takes the direct current (DC) electricity produced by your solar panels and converts it to alternating current electricity (AC). This AC electricity can then be used to power your lights, appliances and home electrical systems. If your panels generate more electricity than you use, the excess electricity can flow into the local utility grid, where it can be sold to your utility company for extra income.

Solar panels are typically black and blend in well with traditional black shingle roofs.

However, there are differences in appearance between different types of panels. Monocrystalline panels with black frames look sleek and solid, while polycrystalline panels have a marbled appearance due to the silicon fragments that make up each cell.