
Dash Diet Phase 1: Your Best Tool to Track and Improve Your Heart Health

According to recent medical research, more than 1 million people around the world succumb to random heart-related health complications. While this number is just an estimate, the actual figure can be even worse.


Mohsen Motamedian, who has made some big name in the health and nutrition industry, talks about bringing some key changes in your diet and routine to ensure the wellbeing of your heart.


According to him, the Dash diet has proved its significance in reducing the risk of heart-related issues globally. Speaking of this diet, its distributed in three phases and hereby we will learn about the Dash diet phase 1.


What is the Dash diet phase 1? 


As per Mohsen Motamedian export, the initial 14 days of a Dash diet are known as the Dash diet phase 1. The phase is planned and created to place your metabolism in reset mode while enhancing your body’s capabilities to burn fat and calories.


During this phase, you can rapidly build up a sound dietary pattern while fulfilling your body's dietary requirements with healthy food choices. 


Also, you need to reduce down the carbs content in your diet while cutting down on fruits, whole grains, and all the starchy vegetables.


In the long run, your blood sugar will be managed, and you can easily manage your cravings for junk and other processed food options. 


Rules to follow during the Dash diet phase 1 


• You are permitted to consume 2-3 servings of low-fat dairy. Still, reduce or completely avoid the consumption of cottage cheese due to its large sodium content.


• Intake of 6 ounces of lean meats, poultry, and fish are likewise permitted.


• Go for 4-5 servings of lentils or beans every week during this diet plan. 


• You can further intake unlimited non-starchy vegetables alongside high on protein food alternatives.


• As you are looking to cut your hunger pangs while additionally controlling blood sugar, stay away from consuming starchy vegetables. You can incorporate green veggies like kale, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cucumbers, cabbage, bell peppers, squash, and tomatoes. 


• Go for high protein food sources like salmon, seeds, and nuts that likewise accompanies healthy fats.


• Continue exploring different ways of preparing your meals to not let this diet plan go bland and tasteless.


Mohsen Motamedian export says that besides knowing about the rules and guidelines of this Dash diet phase 1, one must also learn about the macronutrients included. 


Protein sources 


The suggested servings of protein sources like fish, poultry, eggs, or meat for a gentle appetite are 5-6 ounces for each day. On the opposite side, similar suggestions for moderate appetite are 6-8 ounces for each day. 


For individuals with a big appetite, the suggestions go up to 8-11 ounces day by day. In the event that you are somewhat befuddled about the amounts, refer to the following. 


• 3 ounces = size of the palm of a ladies' hand.


• 4 ounces = size of the palm of a ladies' hand with the thumb.


• 5 ounces = size of the palm of a men's hand.


Dairy sources.


The suggested servings of dairy sources like milk, yogurt, and cheese for a small appetite are 2 servings for every day. On the opposite side, similar suggestions for moderate appetite are 2-3 servings for each day. 


Recommendations will spike to up to 4 servings every day for individuals with a bigger appetite.


Non-starchy vegetables 


You can devour limitless amounts of non-starchy vegetables during the Dash diet phase 1. All things considered, try to bring a perfect combination of cooked and raw veggies to keep the boredom out of this diet. 


Vegetables like spinach, lettuce, broccoli, kale, cucumber are probably the most phenomenal examples of non-starchy veggies. 


Seeds, nuts, and beans 


The suggested servings of, seeds, nuts, and beans for a more small hunger are 1 serving for each day. On the opposite side, similar suggestions for moderate appetite are 1-2 servings for each day.  Discussing the bigger appetites craving, you can go up to 2-3 servings for each day. 


Healthy fats 


The suggested servings of healthy fat sources like coconut oil, olive oil, avocado for modest appetite are 1-2 servings for each day. On the opposite side, similar suggestions for moderate apatite are 2-3 servings for every day. Discussing the huge craving, you are permitted to go up to 4 servings every day. 




Mohsen Motamedian says that one must stay in touch with their doctor or physician while starting ahead with this Dash diet phase 1. Moreover, you must indulge in a healthy exercising routine to make the best out of this diet for your health.