3 Most Common ENT Surgeries Explained
Did you know that a local Otorrino in Asa Sul, Brasilia can perform a lot of procedures and not just your regular check-ups? Today people have begun to rely more and more on specialists and doctors and physicians who are specifically skilled in a particular field or specialty in medicine. The common surgeries performed by an ENT doctor or an otolaryngology doctor are going to differ from what any other specialist does in their clinic. Their job and responsibilities are distinct from many other specialists. Before you pick them to treat you or anyone in your family, you will have to understand what all they are capable of doing for you. As the name itself suggests, an ENT doctor or Otorrino in Brasilia is going to look after your ear, nose and throat and suggest solutions for their many problems. Your local (ENT) doctor is skilled and has acquired the relevant training in surgery and he is capable of performing the following for you:
You will have to ask your Otorrino in Asa Sul, Brasilia for a biopsy when you need to get any suspicious tissue removed from your ear, nose or throat. Biopsy is typically the removal of a lesion or tumor or any tissue that could be a cancer. This helps the surgeon in determining the seriousness of the issue and he will do it under local anesthesia right in his office. He would suggest an endoscopy if the sample tissue needs to be taken out from deep within the throat area.
What Is A Nasal Septum Surgery?
Our nose comprises two nasal passages and the septum is what divides them. It is a vertical wall in our nose and every child is born with a straight septum. As they grow up, it might start to bend to one side. The reason for it is often unknown but sometimes it is also caused by an injury (other than ageing). In most cases, the deviation is not much and there is nothing to worry about. However, in many cases the deviation might be noticeable and may cause problem to the individual. Your ENT doctor will perform a septoplasty in that case. Septoplasty is the surgery done to correct a deviated septum. It also improves breathing through the nose. One may need to get it done if they want their nasal polyps or tumors removed. This will allow for adequate examination of the inner parts of the nose as well.
Sinus Surgery Is Very Common
Your Otorrino in Asa Sul, Brasilia is experienced in performing sinus surgeries without resulting in scarring of any kind. They can do that without having to access the cheek area and this is possible with the help of an endoscope specifically designed to perform a sinus surgery. Today they perform nearly all kinds of sinus surgeries with microtelescopes and micro instruments. They gain access to the innermost parts of the sinus through your nasal passages. You will be advised to stay under the care of your doctor as the recovery could be complicated due to nasal packing and nasal irrigation for a week or so.