
What Google Adsense is and why you should consider using it to increase the revenue

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Anna @Anna6 · Dec 11, 2020

Just in case you haven’t heard about Adsense, it is the program that Google uses to place ads from their Adwords program on individual publisher’s sites. These ads are contextually related meaning that wedding ads appear on wedding sites and fishing ads appear on fishing sites. If you already have a website or blog, it is not hard to start making money with Adsense.

Adsense is a “fix and forget” residual income system. You simply copy and paste the code (which is quite simple to do) that the program provides you with and you can receive income as long as people visit your site and click on the ads. When it comes to placing advertising on your site pages there are different options. You could sell or trade ad space or use banners from different affiliate programs and it would probably make you some money. But, did you know that there are people who earn in excess of 100.000 dollars a year just by using Adsense?

Please keep in mind that a 100 thousand a year is not the average income of every user. In fact there is probably a much higher percentage of people that make little or nothing with this program. So the big question is, it really worth your time to place Adsense ads on your site? The answer is a definite yes. Especially if your site is already receiving a fair amount of traffic to your website.

This can be in the form of a heavily visited blog or website or having dozens or hundreds of sites that get a trickle of traffic. The real game is getting the numbers whether it is to one site or many. It’s completely free to join the Adsense program and it almost takes no time. The potential database of websites from AdWords is larger than anything you might encounter from any competitor, numbering over 150.000 users. This means as more people compete the CPC or cost per click for search terms will inevitably rise.

Also, setting up Adsense on your site is a breeze, and you can complete the whole process in less than an hour. It takes a lot less to do then any form of affiliate advertising which is yet another reason to choose the easy Adsense approach. All you need to do is add an Adsense banner on your website (other then registering with the program of course) is to copy & paste a few lines and you’re all done, you get to choose where the banners go, how large they are and how they integrate with the rest of your site.

For any webmaster out there, that’s a killer scheme because it lets you draw the line between your site’s usability level and the amount of advertising you wish to have. Some people need the money badly while others just keep Adsense running to pay for the hosting of their website. Adsense is a great advertising program because a lot of thought has went into making it “just work for everyone”. It works great for the people who use AdWords, for the webmasters using Adsense , and most importantly for the visitors of the websites.