
How to Factory Reset a D-Link WiFi Extender: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Dlink @Dlinklocal · Jul 21, 2023

If you're experiencing issues with your Dlink WiFi extender or want to start fresh with its settings, performing a factory reset is the way to go. A factory reset will revert the extender back to its default settings, erasing any customized configurations. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you perform a factory reset on your Dlink WiFi extender:

1. Locate the Reset Button

Look for the reset button on your Dlink WiFi extender. The location of the button may vary depending on the model, but it is usually found on the back or bottom of the device. It is typically labeled "Reset" or indicated by a small hole.

2. Prepare for the Reset

Before proceeding with the factory reset, make sure the extender is powered on and connected to a power source. Keep in mind that performing a factory reset will erase all existing settings, so take note of any important configurations or passwords you may need to re-enter later.

3. Perform the Factory Reset

Using a paperclip or a thin object, press and hold the reset button for about 10-15 seconds. You will notice the LED lights on the extender flashing or turning off and on during this process. Once the lights stabilize or turn solid, it indicates that the factory reset is complete.

4. Wait for the Reboot

After the factory reset, the Dlink WiFi extender will automatically reboot itself. This process may take a few minutes to complete. During this time, avoid interrupting the power supply or pressing any buttons.

5. Set Up the Extender Again

Once the extender has finished rebooting, it will be back to its default settings. Now, you can proceed with setting up the extender as if it were new. Connect your computer or smartphone to the default WiFi network of the extender (usually named "Dlink-XXXX," where "XXXX" represents the last four digits of the extender's MAC address).

6. Access the Setup Wizard

Open a web browser on your connected device and enter "http://dlinkap.local" or the default IP address "" in the address bar. This will take you to the setup wizard.

7. Reconfigure Your Extender

Follow the on-screen instructions of the setup wizard to configure your Dlink WiFi extender with your desired settings, including network name (SSID), password, and other preferences.


Performing a factory reset on your Dlink WiFi extender is a straightforward process and can be useful in resolving issues or starting fresh with its settings. Just remember to take note of any crucial configurations before resetting, so you can easily reconfigure the extender after the process is complete.