
Customer Service Phone Skills

Improve customer service on the phone by focusing on what you can do for the customer, compared to what you should do. This is a critical business skill that can be quite tough to master. It takes training and listening to comments from other people to recognize when you have done a good job and when you haven't. Meet new clients where they are; give them your full attention at all times.

Do not take everything that you hear and consider it gospel. Always listen to other customer support teams to see if anything has to be changed. Master your customer service telephone skills by always listening intently to what the other team is saying.

When you get a bad call, respond quickly and professionally. Customers appreciate when you take the excess time to call them back. The other team members will love you too. Use customer service videos, CDs or DVDs to run an internal training program on your organization's customer service skills.

When you enter a store, be sure you are on time, your space is clearly marked and that the staff knows where you're going. If someone has a problem, let them know where you're located so that they can call you without delay. Be very conscious of your environment so you can focus your customer service skills on the needs of the person in front of you. The more your customer service skills are focused on the customer requirements, the better your relationship with that client will likely be.

The other members of your customer support team can benefit from watching fantastic customer service videos. They may use the information they see on a DVD or CD to enhance their own skills. It's important for the other members of your staff to also understand and be educated on how to effectively use the information which you supply them with. The two of you will then be able to work together to be sure that all your customers are treated fairly and professionally.

Your clients will appreciate you more if you can communicate well with them. You will find some really great customer service training material online, in books, or even by selecting an individual who is skilled at communicating. The ability to communicate with people on a regular basis is a skill that has to be developed in every area of your business. You cannot depend on a couple of incidents of awful customer service to change the way you handle customer support. Instead, make it a goal to train all your employees on the latest ways to improve customer service skills.

Don't push your employees to give you one-on-one contact. If the customer needs to speak to more than 1 person about a problem, then hold the line just a bit longer to permit the customer service agents to talk with them. It can sometimes be very beneficial for your representatives to listen to the client and ask them to follow up questions, if necessary. If the customer service representatives are having trouble speaking with somebody because they do not know their name, make certain you let them know that you know their name and how they can help them. By showing your customer service reps respect, you'll gain their respect for your organization and boost their phone skills.

In addition to instruction, it may be helpful to create some customer service videos. The process of filming a customer support video is actually quite simple. All you have to do is see your favorite video production site and locate a customer video reel. Most websites will provide templates so that you can just choose one that best fits your organization's image. Simply contact a high quality videographer to establish a short video to your reps to perform during office hours, and your clients will be impressed with your customer service video attempts.