
Best Wedding Photography Tricks for Amateur Wedding Photographers

Wedding photography is not like any other photography. Wedding is an event that doesn’t take place every day. People only get this once in a life time opportunity to be a groom or bride and look their best therefore they want their wedding pictures to be more than the best.


Wedding photography is always glittering and illuminating but condition is that photography should be done by a professional photographer otherwise that photography will become a joke.

Many people who are not the professional photographers also try their hands on wedding photography but that’s not the case because you can’t compare photos taken by an amateur photographer with the photos taken by a professional wedding photographer.



The professional wedding photographers in Colchester says that in the wedding photography the most important thing is not the camera but skills of the photographer.That is why this job should be only assigned to a professional photographer if you want to have the top-class photographs of your wedding.


A leading wedding photographer in Colchester UK explainssome keypoints for a wonderful weddingphotography if you aretrying doing it by yourself.


  1. Ask if either the bride or groom or both wants to have a photograph while they are getting ready for wedding.
  2. Will photographer also needs to take before and after wedding party photos? Number of the family members and guests present in the ceremony photos.
  3. When will be the first look photographs of the couple to be taken before the ceremony? Should it need to be taken before any other photo or it should be taken along with other photos.
  4. Photographer should ask for the complete list of the event during the ceremony so that photographer could adjust his time and space according to the schedule.
  5. Get more details of the cake cutting and dance ceremony and if possible photographer should visit the venue when the ceremony is to be held so that he will get the taste of the photographic angels and settings.
  6. Try to findsome gaps in the dinner time. These gaps are important because taking photographs in the dinner time is challenging because you don’t want to disturb the guests while they are having dinner.



Lighting is yet another key factor in the wedding photography. Knowing the schedule of the entire wedding ceremony and events that are about happen in day and night prior will help you to choose the camera or lenses for particular ceremony according to the light.


Photographer must also go the wedding venue a day prior to the wedding and day time to see from which side sun is shinning so that it will be easy for her m to adjust the lenses to get the best photos during the day time.