
11 Ways to Ensure Good Gut Health

Having Good Gut health is Necessary for a Healthy life 


A gut-related problem is quite common nowadays. Everyone in the world eats what they like and don’t think about their gut health. Gut health refers to the balance of good bacteria and microorganisms in the digestive tract of your body. 


The proper balance of these microorganisms is very important for the physical and mental health condition. This unique mixture of bacteria, yeast and viruses are known as gut flora. Some of these microbes are very helpful for human beings but some are harmful for health.


Having a good healthy gut is very important to enjoy all your favourite food delights. It is also scientifically proven that if your digestive system has a balanced amount of microbes, that will enhance your overall health. In this article, you will find some exciting and important information on how to maintain good gut health. 


Gut is a doorway to your overall health both physically and mentally


These are some important points that you should follow to have good gut health.

1. Fermented Food 

Fermented foods are excellent for your digestive tract health since they have probiotic nature and help you to boost bacteria or probiotics in your digestive system naturally. These fermented foods help you to get rid of inflammation and other intestinal problems. 


The following are some fermented foods that you can use regularly to improve your gut health.


  • Fermented vegetables
  • Tempeh
  • Kefir

2. Eat a Diverse Range of Food 

There are hundreds of different species of bacteria present in your intestines. Each variety of bacteria plays an important role in your health. If you have a diverse range of foods in your diet that will help you to have a diverse microbiota in your digestive tract. 


Eat different kinds of vegetables, fruits, nuts, legumes, cereals, meat, eggs, milk, Cheese, butter, curp, probiotics etc. Each food item helps in your growth and development and also helps to maintain the balance of good gut bacteria in the digestive system.

3. Use Less Sweet and Sweeteners in Your Diet

 If you use a lot of sweeteners in your food then it can cause an imbalance of gut microbes. According to research, food that contains a high amount of sugar in it can negatively affect the gut microbiome and also influence your behaviour. 


This high sugar content food can also increase your blood sugar level.

4. Include Fruit, Veggies, Legumes and Beans in Your Diet


To have a balanced and healthy microbiota in your digestive tract you should include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Getting high fibre food like beans and legumes are good for your gut bacteria.

The following is the list of high fibre foods that you can include in your diet for good gut health.


  • Green peas
  • Broccoli
  • Chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Beans like pinto, kidney and white 
  • Whole grain
  • Raspberries

5. Reduce your Stress Level 


As we all know, stress can impact on both our physical and mental health. According to research and animal studies, it was found that psychological stress can disrupt gut flora. In human life there are a variety of stresses. Some of them are in the following.


  • Environmental stress, extreme cold, noise and heat stress
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Psychological stress


Here are some remedies for you to get rid of these stresses


  • Meditation
  • Prayer
  • Deep breathing exercise
  • Regular exercise
  • Proper sleep

6. Try a Plant-Based Diet

According to scientific research, if you have animal-based food in your diet it will promote the growth of different types of intestinal bacteria different from plant-based diets. This research says that plant-based diets are ideal for your gut microbiota since they have high fibre content in them. 

According to some other research, a vegetarian diet will help you to reduce the number of diseases causing bacteria in your body and also help to lose weight, inflammation and cholesterol levels.

7. Avoid Unnecessary Antibiotics

Antibiotics are an effective defence that you use to combat bacterial infections, but if you overuse those antibiotics they can harm your health. Excess use of antibiotics can weaken your immunity and damage your microbiota. 


According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), people should always discuss alternatives of antibiotics with their doctors before using them. 

8. Consume Food Rich with Polyphenols

Polyphenol is every well-known plant compound that provides various types of health benefits. It effectively helps in reducing blood pressure, oxidative stress, cholesterol levels and inflammation. 


This plant compound is not always digested by human cells. The following is a list of foods that are a good source of Polyphenols.


  • Broccoli
  • Onions
  • Almonds 
  • Red wine 
  • Grape skins
  • Green tea
  • Dark Chocolate

9. Do Simple Exercises Regularly


According to various research, it is found that doing exercise regularly is good for your overall health and it also promotes your gut health. 


Exercise helps you to reduce fat and keeps you away from the problem of obesity. Researchers have also found that people who exercise regularly have more gut flora compared to others.

10. Maintain Good Dental Health


You would feel surprised after knowing that gut health is related to dental health. This gut health research was done by Cornell University and the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.


They have found that your mouth has harmful bacteria that grow when you don't brush your teeth regularly. These bacterias go into your gut and cause an imbalance in your gut flora.

11. Include Spices in Your Diet

You should include spices like ginger, garlic and turmeric in your food. These spices contain antibacterial properties that are good for your good gut bacteria but bad for your bad gut bacteria.


After reading this article you would have gained a lot of information about how gut health is important for your overall health and development. Nowadays people eat whatever they like without worrying about their gut health. 


This type of careless behaviour of people affects their gut health by which they suffer from stomach related problems that affect their whole body both physically and mentally. Follow the points given in this article to maintain a balanced amount of gut flora in your digestive tract to ensure a happy and healthy life.


 A healthy gut is a great way to support healthy brain functioning