
What to Consider About FUE When Selecting a Hair Transplant Procedure?

In comparison to the traditional "strip method" approaches used in Follicular Unit Transplantation, Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a sort of hair transplant procedure that offers a number of benefits (FUT).


In a hair transplant procedure, healthy hair follicles are removed from a donor location and placed in balding or thinning areas of the scalp. Your natural hair should therefore begin to grow naturally and permanently once more. Don't let the condition of your hair go unnoticed. Please let Terra Medical help you better understand your options.


The method used to harvest the donor's hair is what makes a fue hair transplant singapore unique.


In a typical FUT procedure, the surgeon takes a wide strip of scalp tissue from the donor location and separates it into separate follicular units before transplanting them.


An automated equipment is typically used in a FUE procedure to harvest follicular units individually and directly from the scalp. As part of the extraction procedure, the donor area receives a series of small, circular wounds or punctures. In rare circumstances, FUE can also be used to harvest body hair as a donor site.


The method used to gather the donor's hair is very important because it can greatly affect your hair transplant experience and results.


The following are some of the primary advantages of choosing a FUE procedure:


Practically undetectable scarring


FUE does not need stitches or linear scars, which are more noticeable and challenging to conceal than FUT. All harvesting methods will leave some scars, although the size and appearance of those scars will vary greatly.


FUE patients should anticipate dispersed, circular scars over the donor area—so tiny that they're practically undetectable—with short hair or even a shaved head. This is due to the fact that the follicular units are removed from the donor area in a more natural manner and with punch blades that have a diameter of less than 1mm (and not a long, unnatural line, as with strip harvesting methods).


As a result, there is a significantly reduced chance of noticeable scarring, and the outcomes seem remarkably natural. Those who like to keep their hair short may find this to be a considerable advantage.


The future of technology


Automated tools and techniques are used during FUE hair transplants to hasten the procedure and improve results. The most precise and minimally invasive hair transplant procedure is now available thanks to contemporary technologies.


Comfort is decreased


FUE hair transplant surgery is substantially less uncomfortable than FUT procedures. Patients who undergo FUE frequently experience minimal issues and great results. Any discomfort or signs following surgery often disappear within a week.


Recovery times are shortened


Because FUE surgery is less invasive, there is less recovery time. The following day, patients can typically resume their regular schedules and return to work.




FUE also has the advantages of being more affordable and adaptable. The cost of your procedure is directly correlated to the quantity of hair transplants necessary to achieve your desired results, allowing your surgeon to take more hair follicles in a single session.