
How to make a Christmas bow out of ribbon?

Christmas is one of the most auspicious events that only come once for years and last for 6 days. And we all wait for it throughout the year as during Christmas we decorate our house with Christmas bows. During Christmas, we all bring gifts for each other wrapped in beautiful wrapping papers and decorated with a ribbon knotted on the top. Ribbons play a huge role in Christmas present as it makes the gifts appear special. And when choosing a ribbon, it is essential that you pay attention to the material as well as the color of the ribbon. You can even make your ribbon about which we are going to guide you here.

Steps to make a classy Christmas ribbon bow

Before we dive into the steps to make a Christmas ribbon, the first step that we need to consider is how to choose the ribbon. When choosing a ribbon makes sure that the ribbon is two sided such as the Metallic Pull-Bow Ribbon Gold as while making a bow, if the ribbon gets twisted, the right side will always face upwards. Also, if you are looking forward to making shape, then use wired ribbon as they are easier to arrange. And while cutting the ribbons, use sharp scissors as they will help you to get clean cuts and also cut multiple layers if the Satin pull-bow ribbon Gold at once.

Now, let’s us have a look at the different ways which can be adapted for making a classic bow.

Step 1: Make three loops using the ribbon with two loops facing upwards and the middle loop facing downward.

Step 2: Take the right loop and cross it over the left loop with its tail hanging while facing downward.

Step 3: Take the right loop then fold it and pull it down through the center loop and your bow is now ready.