
The legal right to hold a copyright of an item in the USA requires that a they PAY the American government FEE$ for that 'protection' $ERVICE. It is NOT a 'worldwide human right' or something achieved simply by CLAIMING so. They MUST also send and register the 'best version' of the work (the 'original' quality) with the American 'Library Of Congress' in D.C..

PERHAPS they have a 'copyright' in ALBANIA where the video is 'POPular', but you can bet the farm they do NOT have a copyright HERE IN THE USA, and that it is also perfectly legal to share this video here (AND anywhere else there is no LEGALLY REGISTERED copyright over this item) with the national government in question. Instead of trying to delete videos and filing claims against your users they should be THANKING us for HELPING expose their interesting music to new foreign audiences to 'grow their popularity', and you could maybe also do them a FAVOR by 'monetizing' the ad clicks for them so they can make some money from the 'free' share of this NON-COPYRIGHTED (in USA at the very least) material.

We (Me and Youtube) are HELPING them with this PROMOTION of their music =) This video should be re-posted and shared in every location where there is not a legally verifiable copyright registered with the government of that region, including the USA. If they can not PROVE they have legally acquired an AMERICAN copyright, then they should not try to ban it here, etc. Thanks =D

E-Mail me if you would like some GOVERNMENT links to ACTUAL COPYRIGHT LAW instead of simply random 'assertions' by a 'creator'. 'Creating' something does not magically drop 'rights' from the sky. Copyright in the USA is a SERVICE that MUST be PURCHASED from the American government. Without that, the 'copyright' does NOT exist!

Can they provide a link to the copyright on the American government items index? Let them try! In the meanwhile, please INFORM them of how American law operates, & what they MUST do if they want to PURCHASE copyright protection from the American government, so then they can say they have it. Otherwise, it is actually a $100 fine (if sought) for EACH INSTANCE where somebody CLAIMS they have copyright but does NOT! Yes, even SAYING 'I have copyright on such & such' without paying the FEES is NOT allowed here in the USA (legally anyway =))

Mail me at 'balkanguy at live dot com' for details if interested. My uncle was a copyright lawyer in D.C. so I am familiar with a lot of these things. For example, did you know that the copyright office is actually a division of the navy? ~ interesting, how they use it in part to 'sequester' useful technologies before they hit the market LOL

BTW: I think this is one of the best Albanian music videos. Ask them to make more songs & videos like that & post them on Youtube! =D

Dood McMan, Captain Of Awesomeness