
Lead Better Lives By Consulting With Trauma Psychologist in Sydney

Are you terrorized by a traumatic event? Do the fear of that event haunts you till now? This can lead to severe trauma and ruin your life. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychiatric disorder that occurs due to eye witnessing a natural disaster, terror attack, war, death of a loved one. PTSD symptoms can arise after a week or even after a year. 

Anyone who is living under stress due to a past event then he should consult a trauma psychologist in Sydney


What Are The Symptoms of PTSD?

PTSD symptoms fall into the following four categories: 

  • Repeated Traumatic Experience -  In this the sufferer has flashbacks of the traumatic event. The person re-experiences that traumatic event again and again in their dreams and feels like it is happening again in front of them. 
  • Avoidance - In this, that person avoids talking about that traumatic event and also tries to avoid getting in contact with the people who are associated with that particular event. That person also tries to forget or stop thinking about the traumatic event. 
  • Mood Alterations - A person has a negative mood and these feelings lead to detachment from dear ones. They no longer enjoy the activities he used to enjoy earlier. 
  • Increased Reactivity - This includes difficulty in sleeping and angry outbursts. The sufferer has irritable behavior and has problems concentrating. 

Help from Trauma Psychologist 

You should seek help from a trauma psychologist if you experience traumatic flashbacks for more than a month after the event. A trained and experienced psychologist can help you to recover from the haunting experience of that traumatic event. 

A psychologist understands what the clients have experienced and plans their sessions accordingly to help them in the best way possible. They create a safer environment for their clients and help them to heal from their traumatic experiences. In order to have a successful recovery from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder one always should choose an experienced psychologist.