
A Robust Cybersecurity Platform Can Save You From Cryptojacking - Here is How

The cybercrime landscape is constantly evolving. Cryptojacking is the latest trend that has created much buzz. Within a year, it has grown threefold, and the cases are constantly on the rise. Undoubtedly cybercriminals are thriving, but it has made ordinary users contemplate cybersecurity platform that can provide them enhanced security. 


What is cryptojacking?  


Cryptocurrencies are attracting more investors each passing day. This has further propelled the malicious cryptojacking activity. In cryptojacking, cybercriminals mine crypto coins through hacked computers. In simpler terms, hijackers use someone’s machine, processing power, battery life and memory to mine cryptocurrency. 

This adversely impacts the device’s performance and exposes it to insecure networks, putting device data at greater risk. In some cases, it exhausts devices to reduce their lifespan. It is like using the neighbour’s electricity connection to light up your own home. 


Therefore, the need for a robust cybersecurity platform has arisen that can protect devices against such illegitimate use. 


How does cryptojacking work? 


Monero is the most popular cryptocurrency among cybercriminals for particular reasons: 


  1. Cryptojacking is used predominantly for mining Monero. 
  2. Monero can be mined on computers with ordinary CPUs, unlike bitcoin, the king of cryptocurrency. 
  3. Being a privacy-oriented coin, Monero is difficult to track in crypto wallets. 


Earlier, miners used to work individually on computer systems, but as time passed, they realized that the mining process deteriorated the machine’s performance. So now, they have prepared a strategy to mine Monero on multiple compromised devices, sacrificing someone else’s device for their benefit. 


Cybercriminals specifically target a company’s data centre or local area network for Monero mining. This way, they have the processing power of thousands of systems at their command. 


Botnets are the culprit


It has been observed that cryptojacking is facilitated through botnets that target vulnerabilities in internet-connected systems. This includes web servers, VPN gateways and even platforms that deliver cloud applications. 


Read More: A Robust Cybersecurity Platform Can Save You From Cryptojacking - Here is How
