Indoor Sunscreen blinds have been around for quite some time, but are today's sunscreens as good as they used to be? It's hard to say, because we've become a very different society. Back in the '60s, if you wanted to keep the sun out of your eyes, you had the option of window tinting your windows. Today, with all the technological innovations in our fast paced lives, there are many choices for us to keep the sun out of our sight. But is today's generation of blinds as good at blocking UV rays as the older versions were?
When I was younger, I remember going to the beach and lying in the sand with my feet propped up on a pebble, blocking out the sunlight. My mother often came along and parked her mini bus right outside our house, and we would spend an afternoon getting a tan by the pool. The UV rays were still incredibly strong and she still required a lot of protection from fading caused by exposure to direct sunlight.
As I grew older, my interest in the product waned, but it wasn't until I began working as an adult that my appreciation of blinds began to peak again. The more I worked outside and talked to people working in the industry, the more I realized just how useful a blind can be. Not only are they great at blocking out UV rays and helping to keep you cool during the summer months, but they can also help block out high winds and lighten up the darker hours of winter.
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