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Hsaive @Hsaive · Jan 25, 2019 · edited: Apr 10, 2019

SUNTRUST BANK Shooting Drill Precedes Bank Merger With BB&T (2/7/19)

Sebring Suntrust Bank Shootings 1/23/2019

Suntrust had an over-supply of 3 branches in Sebring, Fl with an impending merger with BB&T in direct competition with JP Morgan, Wells Fargo and  in Florida. $Billions of dollars in all-stock merger created an opportunity for the Deep State to coordinate a staged shooting event as negative "product placement" to influence share-holders to approve the merger with shake-up in leadership. Notice the "66" GEMATRIA in the USA Today headline (Here)  (Archive)

Also notice the USA Today awkward photo depicting a "minority" pedestrian walking past SunTrust teller machines.  This may suggest adding those announced "new technologies" to enable low income account holders to borrow "payday loans" under one roof at high interest rates.

Synergies of the merger include liquidation of real estate and down-sizing of work force where 24% of branches are within 2 miles of each other as was the case in Sebring.

NBR Report -- Gematria: $66 Billion, 6th Biggest Bank, "SunTrust" (Trust the Sun/Son)



VIDEO:  1/27/19 - As predicted - Suntrust Bank Will Not Re-Open

Another Staged Shooting qualifies Sebring to be added to the United Nations network, branded among a growing list of "STRONG CITIES".  Local law enforcement are recruited to participate in "active shooter drills" that become promoted by propaganda media as genuine shootings. This is the latest in a long list of staged shootings just in the state of Florida.

With 3 locations in Sebring, it's very likely that Suntrust decided to close this branch long before the active shooter drill was scheduled - then offered it to the DHS for use as a staging area for an active shooter drill. Sebring is now honored to be declared part of the STRONG CITIES network, a United Nations disarmament movement.  Engagement of unconstitutional Gladio-type operations on the local level is intended to ultimately bring down the US government by undermining the constitutional guarantees, esp. the First and Second amendments. Youtube and Facebook are blatant examples of first amendment censorship already upon us, modeled after the Peoples Republic of China.

The mother of all FAKE shootings remains the Newtown, CT deception at SANDY HOOK elementary school. In this case, the number of errors committed by the perpetrators makes this event one of the easiest fake shootings to debunk even as Deep State Media (DSM) attempts to call it a "conspiracy theory".

VIDEO: 153News ChuckP   -  Actor, "Victor Sparks" breaks down into rehearsed emotion as he recounts the police arrival

VIDEO: Agenda FreeTV  (Read comments about fake shootings and Sandy Hook)


Three victims identified; officials pledge justice (Highlands News-Sun)

Shooting address - 1901 US Hwy 27 South, 33870

Florida Today Article - Mug Shot may not be the same as Facebook photo. Sheriff's office mug shot shows unconventional shirt that appears to be burlap rather than orange inmate wardrobe.



No EMT, Ambulances or Emergency Vehicles (WPEC)




Wide shot Sebring Shooting - Too many Agency vehicles parked at Marriot. Not one ambulance/first responder vehicle



Somebody was lucky enough to photo the SWAT vehicle while the only first responder/fire vehicle yet seen is in the opposite lane. What are the chances?




There are 3 Suntrust bank locations listed for Sebring. (Source)

Sebring Addresses
1901 US Hwy 27 South, 33870 *** (Shooting)
3601 US Hwy 27 North, 33870
601 US Hwy 27 South, 33825

Suntrust Bank PDF file




Remembering Ana Pinon-Williams

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MARRIOTT HOTELS and Active Shooter Incidents

Marriott Hotels with History of hosting Active Shooter Drills

DHS - A Unique Training Opportunity

Law Enforceent Training Marriott

PARKLAND: Maria, whose mother asked her last name not be used, is a senior at Stoneman. She said she was evacuated to the nearby Walmart during the attack. She said soon after, she was shuttled to the Marriott hotel.

“It hasn’t registered,” she said somberly.

She said she didn’t witness anything, but heard students frantically shouting that there was “a shooter, a shooter.”

PARKLAND: Suspect, Nikolas Cruz, in custody in Parkland school shooting in Florida
The sheriff later told parents to go to the Marriott in the Heron Bay complex, where students were being taken to be reunited with their families.

Sept, 2018: MIDDLETON SHOOTING: Witnesses nearby recount incident
As for the employees at Paradigm, police took them to the nearby Marriott Residence Inn. They waited there for hours before police allowed them to leave in small groups.

Employees nearest Middleton shooting scene able to get belongings back
Dozens of employees gathered Thursday afternoon at the Marriott Residence Inn, where law enforcement officers interviewed them and then retrieved personal items from their buildings.