
DESTACO CAMCO Rotary Indexing Ring Indexer RNG Series with its selection Parameters and Application



What is Rotary Indexing Table:

Rotary Indexing Table is mechanical product which is integrated with AC Brake Motor (3-Phase Induction Motion) or Servo Motor, and mechanical power transmission devices such as Gearbox with clutch, encoder, cam, Sensor and controllers. Indexing Cam is heart of Rotary Table, while operation is performed Indexer is rotating or indexing around centre of axis, stopping and dwelling and same process repeat over and over.


Customer has two type requirements in Rotary Table one is for “Fixed Division “and other for “Continuous Rotation “. Fixed Division Rotary Indexing table means while performing operation Table must be stopped on particular angle likewise Division (2 means 180°), Division (4 means 90°), Division (5 means 72°), Division (6 means 60°), Division (8 means 45°), Division (10 means 36°), Division (12 means 30°) but for fixed division 3-phase induction motor along with gearbox and clutch is mandatory otherwise fixed division operation would not get performed. There is a provision in Indexer to rotate in both sides Clockwise (CW) and Anticlockwise Direction (CCW).  Indexing Cam size is totally depended upon how much customer require division means angle.


DESTACO Ring Drive Dial Indexer RNG Series:

DESTACO Camco Ring Drive Indexer is special type of Indexer wherein table top has large hole which is easily fits to your operation also it is integrated with AC Motor having brake system (3-Phase Induction Motor) and Gearbox.  Camco Ring Drive Indexer is designed in way that customer can easily fits its product through the large hole, customer can directly mount fixture on table top without putting additional add on plate. It is freely programmable Rotary Indexing Ring along with flat design and get high level part of accuracy.


Click here for detailed technical specifications:https://www.seimitsu.in/destaco-pdf/S9_IN-MCH_RNG_Ring_Drive_Dial_Indexer_GB-3043.pdf


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Reference link please click here for more information: https://www.seimitsu.in/Blog-On-DESTACO-CAMCO-Rotary-Indexing-Ring-RNG-Series.html