
Perfecting the Art of Reverse Seared Steak - A Delectable Recipe from Rogue Cookers

At Rogue Cookers, we swear by the reverse sear method as the ultimate technique to achieve a best juicy and perfectly cooked steak. Elevate your culinary skills with our tried-and-true recipe that transforms a simple cut of beef into a gastronomic masterpiece.


Begin your culinary journey by selecting a high-quality steak, preferably a thick-cut ribeye or New York strip. Quality matters, so source your beef from a reputable butcher or specialty market. For seasoning, keep it simple yet flavorful with kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, and a hint of garlic powder. Additionally, you'll need a touch of high-quality cooking oil, such as olive oil, to ensure a beautiful sear.


Reverse Searing Process:

Preparation: Remove the steak from the refrigerator at least 30 minutes before cooking to allow it to come to room temperature. Preheat your oven to a low temperature, around 225°F (107°C).

Seasoning: Pat the steak dry with paper towels to promote a better sear. Generously season it with kosher salt, freshly ground black pepper, and a light dusting of garlic powder. Let the seasoning meld with the meat while it reaches room temperature.

Slow Roasting: Place the seasoned steak on a wire rack set over a baking sheet and insert a meat thermometer into the thickest part. Slow roast in the preheated oven until the internal temperature reaches about 10-15°F (5-8°C) below your desired doneness. This slow roasting process ensures uniform cooking.



Final Sear: Heat a cast-iron skillet or grill to high heat. Add a drizzle of high-smoke-point oil. Carefully sear the steak for 1-2 minutes per side until a beautiful crust forms. This step locks in the juices and imparts a delightful smokiness.

Resting: Allow the steak to rest for at least 10 minutes before slicing. This crucial step redistributes the juices, ensuring a moist and flavorful bite.

By embracing the reverse sear method, RogueCookers.com guarantees a steak experience that transcends the ordinary. Elevate your culinary prowess and savor the perfection of a flawlessly executed reverse-seared steak.