
What is MATLAB software?

MATLAB software is a fourth generation programming platform specially designed for engineers and scientists. One of the important features of MATLAB software is its programming. which provides a software environment for performing numerical calculations, visualization and development of commercial software. By using the matrix base language of this software, the most natural phenomena of the world can be expressed in terms of computational language.
The word MATLAB is composed of two words Matrix and Laboratory, which means matrix laboratory. The reason for this name is that MATLAB is matrix oriented.
For example, in MATLAB, individual numbers are stored in the form of a 1x1 matrix. or negative numbers are also considered.
Or images are stored in the form of a three-dimensional matrix, two dimensions of which are the coordinates of the pixels and the other dimension represents the color of the pixels.
In this article, we are going to introduce the MATLAB software and its main uses and features and introduce the best resources for learning it.

Introducing MATLAB software

MATLAB is a programming environment in the field of mathematics and engineering written in C and C++ languages, but it does not mean that you need to know these languages ​​to work with MATLAB software, MATLAB has its own programming language. MATLAB is a high-level programming language. It means that it is closer to human language and easier to learn. Coding in MATLAB language is only possible in MATLAB IDE and cannot be used in other environments such as VS CODE or Atom.
MATLAB (unlike Python) is not open source and you have to pay a relatively heavy amount (about 50 thousand) dollars to get it. However, MATLAB is widely used in universities and scientific circles and even in superpower technology companies (such as Samsung and Apple).

Python Programming language

History of MATLAB programming language

In the late 1970s, a person named Cleve Moller, the head of the School of Computer Science at the University of New Mexico, began to invent and develop MATLAB. His goal in designing this program was to give students access to LINKPACK and EISPACK without the need for Fortran. This issue quickly spread in all universities and gained many fans.
Until that period, MATLAB had not yet entered the business. Until in 1983, a person named Jack Little from Stanford University realized the commercial capabilities of MATLAB during a meeting with Muller and decided to cooperate with Muller.
They founded the Math Works company in 1984 and published MATLAB in the same year, and in 2000, a more complete set of libraries was provided by rewriting MATLAB.

Applications of MATLAB software

MATLAB software has many applications in the fields of mathematical calculations, physics, chemistry, biology, civil engineering, etc. Basically, it can be said that MATLAB can be used in all computing fields that require data analysis. Here are some of them:
• data analysis
• Algorithm development
• Building models and applications
• Simulation and testing of automatic car system
• Signal processing and communication
• Image and video processing
• Control systems
• Simulation of energy systems
• Internet of Things
• Machine learning
• robotic
• Application in Data Science
• Mechatronics
• Application in Signal Processing
• Testing and measuring
• Financial calculations
• Biology calculations
• Creating 2D and 3D structures
• Linear Algebra
• Algebraic equations
• Nonlinear functions
• statistics
• Data analysis and processing
• Calculation of differential equations
• Numerical calculations
• Integration of information
• Data conversion
• Construction of curves
• Other special functions and...

Introduction of MATLAB software competitors

Mathematica and Maple can be mentioned among the software competitors of MATLAB:
Maple: is an advanced mathematical software that is used in both mathematics and engineering and is easily linked with other programming languages ​​such as C or C++. Notes and animations can be added to solve problems or teach math and complex calculations.
Mathematica: is an advanced algebraic software that provides users with functions needed in mathematics and natural sciences.

Components of MATLAB software

MATLAB language

MATLAB is a high-level programming language that includes object-oriented and interpretive programming features. With the help of this language, simple and complex programs can be created.

MATLAB work environment

It is a set of features that you interact with as a user or programmer. This environment includes facilities for managing variables and tools for developing, managing, debugging and creating files in MATLAB programs.

Graphics control

The MATLAB graphics system follows high-level commands for 2D, 3D data visualization, image processing, animation, and graphics. Of course, MATLAB also includes low-level commands. with which you can design the graphic appearance of your programs in a customized way.

MATLAB Training Courses

MATLAB library

MATLAB software includes a wide range of calculation algorithms ranging from basic mathematical functions such as sine, cosine to complex functions such as inverse matrix, eigenvalues ​​of fast matrix, etc.

MATLAB application program interface (API)

It is a library that allows you to code Fortran and C programs with MATLAB. This interface includes features such as calling routines from MATLAB (dynamic connection), calling MATLAB as a calculation engine.