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Un champ de pétrole américain inexploité si grand, je l'appelle ...

Le "monstre du comté de Martin"


Le Financial Post dit:

"Vous additionnez tous les chiffres et ce que vous commencez à trouver est très effrayant,"

"Brisé toutes les hypothèses,"

"Smash un disque après l'autre", et

"Cauchemar pour l'OPEP et la Russie."

Et le US Department of Energy rapporte:

"Ce seul champ pétrolier en Amérique pourrait produire plus de pétrole que l'Arabie saoudite ou la Russie dans les 10 à 15 prochaines années."

Et grâce à une technologie révolutionnaire mise au point par une entreprise énergétique à 8 USD, 3,3 billions de dollars sont prêts à être débloqués du plus grand champ pétrolifère de la planète.

Cher ami,

Dans le comté de Martin, au Texas, à environ 500 km au nord-est de la capitale Austin, une société pionnière de l’énergie à 8 dollars utilise une technologie révolutionnaire pour extraire autant de pétrole du plus grand champ de pétrole inexploité de la planète, indique le Financial Post :

"Vous additionnez tous les chiffres et ce que vous commencez à trouver est très, très effrayant ..."

Qu'il "éclipse toutes les autres techniques de forage",et

"C'est la prochaine grande chose après la fracturation!"

Dans certains cas, cette nouvelle méthode d’extraction a permis d’augmenter la production de pétrole de plus de 1 000%, parfois même de 2 000%.

C'est la raison pour laquelle le prix de l'essence aux États-Unis a diminué de moitié depuis août 2017.  

En effet, les machines de forage uniques de la société agissent comme des aspirateurs souterrains géants qui errent sous la surface et aspirent chaque goutte de pétrole à sa portée.


Les États-Unis pompent tellement de pétrole que les États-Unis ont récemment dépassé la Russie et l'Arabie saoudite pour devenir le premier producteur de pétrole de la planète, ce qui avait été jugé impossible il y a quelques années à peine.


Mais parce que cette technologie est très efficace pour extraire le pétrole de puits couvrant des milliers de kilomètres carrés, elle a transformé un seul champ pétrolifère du comté de Martin, au Texas, en un géant qui rivalise avec l’Arabie saoudite et la Russie.

C'est pourquoi j'appelle ce gisement de pétrole le «monstre du comté de Martin».

C'est vrai. Ce champ pétrolier combiné à cette nouvelle percée pourrait en faire un producteur de pétrole plus gros que l’Arabie saoudite ou la Russie.

En septembre 2018, CNN Money a déclaré:

«Pour la première fois depuis 1973, les États-Unis sont le premier producteur mondial de pétrole brut ...

Cette réalisation souligne l’impact profond des avancées technologiques rapides dans le forage. "  

Et un récent rapport sur l'énergie cite les propres données du US Department of Energy et prédit:

"Ce champ pétrolifère unique en Amérique [le" monstre du comté de Martin "] pourrait produire plus de pétrole que l'Arabie saoudite ou la Russie dans les 10 à 15 prochaines années."

Mais aussi historique soit-il, cela va encore mieux.

Vous voyez, cette nouvelle technologie de forage est opérationnelle depuis seulement quelques années.

Et les résultats ont été si étonnants et si changeants que l’Agence internationale de l’énergie (AIE) - le leader mondial de la recherche énergétique et de l’élaboration de politiques, généralement très prudente dans ses prévisions - a récemment déclaré:

"Les États-Unis seront le leader incontesté des marchés mondiaux du pétrole pour les décennies à venir."

S'il vous plaît lire à nouveau: POUR LES DÉCENNIES À VENIR!

Et ce n'est que le début.

Avec ces nouvelles technologies de forage mises en ligne plus rapidement que prévu, les États-Unis exportent maintenant de l'or noir vers des pays du monde entier.


"Nous sommes en train de devenir la puissance énergétique dominante dans le monde."

- Michael Lynch, président de Strategic Energy and Economic Research

Combien exactement les États-Unis exportent-ils vers d'autres pays?

Les États-Unis exportent plus de pétrole que ce que 75% des membres de l'OPEP produisent actuellement quotidiennement!



La rapidité avec laquelle cela s'est passé est à couper le souffle.

Il a surpris le monde, en particulier l’Arabie saoudite et la Russie.

Ils étaient littéralement sans voix et ont finalement dû avouer qu'ils n'étaient plus dans le siège du conducteur.

Cela a été une aubaine économique pour les États-Unis. Non seulement nous collectons des sommes énormes de revenus auprès de pays assoiffés de notre pétrole, mais cela fera également baisser considérablement le prix de l’essence pour les Américains comme vous et moi.

Cela tient au fait que des centaines de milliards de barils de pétrole, jadis inaccessibles au moyen de méthodes d’extraction traditionnelles, sont maintenant facilement pompés du sol grâce à cette nouvelle technologie.

Et l’Amérique commence tout juste à fléchir ses muscles énergétiques.

Comme cette technique de forage est si nouvelle (comme je l'ai dit, elle est opérationnelle depuis environ deux ans), il n'y a pas eu beaucoup de publicité à ce sujet. À l'exception de quelques rapports obscurs, les médias ne l'ont pas vraiment couvert.

C’est pourquoi cette entreprise énergétique à 8 dollars qui la perfectionne a été ignorée des grandes entreprises de Wall Street.

Mais ceux qui l'ont vu en action, et ceux qui ont vu les résultats, disent que c'est ...

  • "Un cauchemar pour l'OPEP et la Russie."
  • "Monstre."
  • "Smash un disque après l'autre!"

Et encore une fois, tout cela est dû à la nouvelle technique de forage révolutionnaire utilisée dans le comté de Martin, au Texas.

C'est pourquoi je fais de ce stock d'énergie de 8 $ mon premier choix en 2019 et au-delà.

Utilisant sa technologie de pointe pour extraire des quantités record de pétrole, cette société énergétique réalise déjà des ventes de près de 4 milliards de dollars, est rentable et déploie sa technique de forage révolutionnaire dans d’autres champs pétrolifères en Amérique du Nord.

Et c'est ce qui rend cette opportunité si excitante.

Vous voyez, dispersés à travers les États-Unis et le Canada, il existe plusieurs champs pétrolifères présentant le potentiel de celui de Martin County, au Texas.

Ils se trouvent au Nouveau-Mexique, dans l'Utah, le Wyoming, le Montana, le Dakota du Nord, la Californie, l'Oklahoma, le Kansas, la Pennsylvanie et partout au Canada - sans parler du vaste golfe du Mexique.

Nous parlons de centaines de milliards, voire de milliards de barils de pétrole prêts à être exploités.

L'Amérique du Nord est maintenant le siège du pouvoir sur les marchés mondiaux du pétrole et du gaz. Le règne tyrannique du pouvoir de l'OPEP est enfin terminé.

Les Etats-Unis ont le pied sur la gorge de l'OPEP. Et cela est sur le point de s’aggraver pour les rois riches et les princes riches du Moyen-Orient.

Cela n'aurait pas pu arriver à un meilleur moment.

Il y a quelques années, l'Arabie saoudite s'est efforcée de mettre les sociétés pétrolières américaines en faillite en augmentant la production de l'OPEP et en inondant le marché d'une surabondance de pétrole.

Cela a fait baisser le prix du pétrole.

Les Saoudiens espéraient que la baisse du prix du pétrole obligerait les sociétés pétrolières américaines - en particulier les petits opérateurs américains à l’écart du boom de la fracturation - à se retrouver au cimetière.

Mais c'est exactement le contraire qui s'est passé.

Les pétroliers américains sont devenus maigres et méchants ... et ont mis au point de nouvelles technologies de forage qui étaient non seulement beaucoup moins chères, mais aussi incroyablement plus efficaces et plus efficaces pour pomper des rivières de pétrole à perte de vue.

Tant de choses, les kilomètres d'oléoducs qui traversent les États-Unis ne peuvent supporter toute la nouvelle offre. Toutefois, des milliers de kilomètres de nouveaux pipelines ont été construits au cours de la dernière année afin d’exporter des millions de barils de pétrole neufs destinés aux raffineries et aux ports, qui seront ensuite exportés dans les océans Atlantique et Pacifique.

Lumière, douce justice


Je veux dire, pensez-y.

Au cours des cinquante dernières années, l'OPEP a eu un impact négatif sur l'économie énergétique mondiale.

Ils poussaient tout le monde quand ils le voulaient. Quand ils sont devenus fous et vindicatifs, ils ont réduit leur production, faisant grimper les prix du pétrole et de l’essence.

Et ils n'ont eu aucun problème à écraser toute concurrence avec leur monopole en augmentant la production et en inondant le marché avec du pétrole bon marché.

Mais tout cela a maintenant changé avec cette nouvelle méthode de forage révolutionnaire.

Grâce à cette révolution technologique, les États-Unis ont retrouvé leur statut de meilleur chien sur le marché mondial du pétrole.

En pratique, le foreur à 8 $ utilisant une technologie de pointe peut désormais accéder au pétrole et l’extraire, où qu’il se trouve. Et je veux dire n'importe où.

Et voici l'autre avantage majeur de nos foreurs sur le reste du monde:

La géologie des combustibles fossiles en Amérique du Nord est très différente de celle du reste du monde. En fait, c'est le seul endroit sur la planète à avoir exploité avec succès ces formations pétrolières uniques.

C'est la raison pour laquelle les États-Unis sont actuellement dans une renaissance du pétrole et du gaz ...

Et c’est la raison pour laquelle l’Agence internationale de l’énergie (AIE) a récemment déclaré que les États-Unis seraient le plus grand producteur de pétrole au monde pour les décennies à venir.

Vous voyez, tout se résume à quelque chose appelé «roches mères».

Des milliers de ces roches mères sont dispersées partout en Amérique du Nord.

Permettez-moi donc de prendre un moment pour expliquer en quoi cela consiste et pourquoi cela a propulsé les États-Unis au rang de premier producteur de pétrole au monde.

Une roche mère est comme un autocuiseur géant qui chauffe des milliards de livres de matières organiques en milliards de barils de pétrole.

Source rocks are typically so highly pressurized and so full of oil, they literally push the hydrocarbons closer to the surface into surrounding reservoirs.


Every drop of oil pumped out of the ground since the first well was drilled in Titusville, Pennsylvania in 1859 was first created by a source rock.

Every drop!


But even though oil companies have known about source rocks for decades, they couldn't drill into them because it was either too expensive or the technology didn't exist.

Until now.

You see, that has all changed now with the technological advances this $8 energy company has developed over the last few years.

And that's exactly what's happening in Martin County.

For the first time ever, companies are now extracting oil directly from the source rocks.

And the early results from these new wells are already a game-changer.

According to a Forbes report:

"... this oilfield is producing more oil than the pipelines can handle..." and "New infrastructure is being laid to send oil from Martin County straight to the refinery center in Houston..."

And CNBC reported:

"Oil flows like water in Martin County."

And it's all because of the technological breakthrough developed by this $8 energy company.

As you see this, oil workers are rushing into Martin County like army ants.

And it's easy to see why...

Large parts of the “Martin County Monster” are between 3,500 and 4,000 feet thick. That's about three-quarters of a mile in length.

That's huge.

Nothing like it has ever been discovered before.

To give you an idea of how big that is, the thickness of the Bakken in North Dakota can reach up to 150 feet; meanwhile, the Eagle Ford in South Texas can be up to 400 feet thick in certain areas.

Both the Bakken and Eagle Ford are currently producing a combined two million barrels of oil equivalent per day. That's more than the oil produced by OPEC members Ecuador, Angola, and Qatar.

And in a few short years, the Bakken and Eagle Ford will be producing more oil than OPEC members Libya, Algeria, Kuwait, and Nigeria.

But the “Martin County Monster” is much, much bigger...

Large parts of it are so thick, it's like finding 140 Bakkens — or over 100 Eagle Fords — stacked on top of one another.

That’s why all of the top oil analyst organizations agree that it’ll outproduce the nations of Saudi Arabia and Russia in the coming years.

The Biggest Oilfield Ever

In fact, various private and governmental organizations have recently conducted major geological studies of the oil basin that Martin County sits on.

Energy researchers at IHS Markit — a $22 billion economic research and intelligence firm — completed a massive three-year “Martin County Monster” research project in 2017. 

According to the IHS study:

“...initial results indicate the giant basin still holds an estimated 60 to 70 billion barrels of technically recoverable resources.”

And in a statement, Mike Loya, the top executive of the American arm of Vitol Group, the world’s largest independent oil trading house, said:

“[The 'Martin County Monster'] will continue to grow and OPEC needs to learn to live with it.”

What makes the "Martin County Monster" so different and potentially a game-changer is the fact that this new drilling technology can access all of that oil from just one drill rig.

The industry jargon for this is "a stacked pay zone."

Think of it as a layered birthday cake — with many layers.

Actually, think of it as five separate layered birthday cakes, all stacked on top of one another...


So even without hydraulic fracturing, a driller can access three... four... maybe even five different shale formations with just one vertical well!

Wealth Multiplication has been My Track Record


My name is Keith Kohl, and I’m the lead energy analyst for Angel Publishing’s highly successful Energy Investor newsletter.

For more than 10 years, I’ve been tuned in to the vast array of trends and new energy discoveries taking shape in the energy industry.

And I take pride in the simple fact that I’ve helped my investors get into nearly every major discovery months, sometimes years, before vanilla mutual fund and stuffy Wall Street money managers got in.

In fact, my sole purpose is to uncover highly lucrative investments for my Energy Investor newsletter readers.

I don’t do this by simply reading and studying the opinions of other so-called gurus. Before North Dakota became the talk of the oil industry and CNBC, I put boots on the ground, visiting the wells and speaking with the experts involved.

And from what I uncovered during my journey, I was able to bang out a string of triple-digit winners in the Bakken for my readers. I was literally researching ways to play the Bakken as early as 2007.

If you're an oil and gas bull like me, then you have to set your emotions aside and listen to what I have to tell you.

Here's a snapshot of some of the quick gains we've generated from the Bakken in the last decade:

  • Northern Oil & Gas spiked 103% in just two months.
  • Brigham Exploration popped 316% in just 16 months.
  • Kodiak Oil & Gas — with its 228,000 acres in the Bakken — soared 6,741%!
  • And Triangle Petroleum rallied 1,077% since 2010.

Gains like these could have made you rich in very little time.

But that’s not the end of the wealth-building opportunities in the highly lucrative energy sector.

You see, as an energy insider, I can tell you investing in the $8 company I’ve found in the sweet spot of Martin County, Texas can be just as lucrative for you in 2019.

The situation unfolding in West Texas will have a huge influence on bringing you explosive gains...

Possibly triple- and quadruple-digit gains.

As I’ve already indicated — because of what’s happening in Martin County — things are changing for the worse at a rapid pace for Saudi Arabia and OPEC.

It's putting the social and political stability of their societies at serious risk.

Just look at the catastrophe unfolding in Venezuela — a country blessed with some of the largest oil reserves on the planet, but controlled by a socialist government that would rather see its citizens eat their own pets than prosper.

You're Only Being Told One Side of the Story

The perfect financial storm is brewing at this very moment in the oil markets, creating a buying opportunity that investors like us see once every few decades.

If you act now, you might not only sidestep the danger zone, but also profit from it handsomely.

You see, this story of the impending turmoil that could happen in Saudi Arabia is getting very little coverage in the mainstream media.

The Wall Street gurus and voter-hungry politicians aren't talking about it. They’re simply focused on how much the price of crude oil is falling, as if prices are going to stay there forever.

You can hear that story every day on the six o’clock news and all day long on CNBC, MSNBC, CNN, and Fox News.

But here’s the deal: The House of Saud is holding on by a thread to the power of the kingdom.

It’s why the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohammad bin Salman, the youngest prince ever to rule the country at the age of 32, announced sweeping social and economic changes in the past two years.

He sees the handwriting on the wall as the U.S. retakes its position as the world’s most powerful oil player.

Bin Salman’s mandate is as stunning as it is frightening for his country: change or die, diversify its economy or die, and discover new ways of generating economic activity other than oil.

But it may be too late for Saudi Arabia, as you’re about to see.

Martin County Has Drillers Drooling

Welcome to Martin County, West Texas, home to currently the largest oilfield on the planet.

Here you'll still find two-lane country roads jam-packed with pickup trucks carrying workers to the job sites.

You’ll run into a ton of 18-wheelers delivering supplies to the drilling sites, which are set behind high metal fences that look like they’re protecting Fort Knox.

Added all up, the region’s energy riches cover an area about 250 miles wide and 300 miles long, encompassing a massive 75,000 square miles. Oil and gas are produced from depths of a few hundred feet to miles below the surface and everywhere in between.

The oilfield contains one of the world's thickest deposits of oil-soaked rocks from an era 299 million to 251 million years ago, when the field reached its maximum depth of 29,000 feet.

Like I said, we're talking about a huge oil-producing region here. It covers not just Martin County, but a large part of West Texas and southeast New Mexico in an area about the size of Syria.

Drillers in this area have practically thumbed their noses at the Saudis. This is the only oil play where production is increasing even as drillers idle more than half the rigs in the country...

All during the longest crude oil price slump since the 1980s.

And the Saudis didn’t expect these drillers to be so resilient and productive.

How popular is Martin and the surrounding counties? Well, let’s take a look at who among the oil giants have been attracted to this area.

It’s literally a who’s who of the most profitable American oil companies, from ExxonMobil Corp. to Anadarko Petroleum Corp.

“We’re already seeing a lot of people that are targeting the oilfield. If you were to look for the most stable area today to go do anything, it’s got to be there. Today you might even argue it’s more stable than Saudi Arabia.”

— Allen Gilmer, CEO of Austin-based Drillinginfo, Inc.

ExxonMobil, the largest publicly traded energy company in the world, has aggressively pursued opportunities there.

It's going all in, too...

Here’s what’s key for you to pay close attention to: All of the big players out there are trying to position themselves while the price of oil is low.

What about you? Shouldn’t you be doing the same thing?

To put it bluntly, yes you should. And the easiest way to do that is by owning shares of the $8 driller I’ve identified that now has a breakthrough technique to unlock more oil than most OPEC nations produce on a daily basis.

I’ll give you all the details on how you can own them risk free.

Make Millions from the "Martin County Monster"

There’s no slowdown in sight for drilling in Martin County, and NOW is the time to get in with the right opportunity.

It is single-handedly responsible for boosting Texas' oil production to well over 5 million barrels per day!

But what makes the "Martin County Monster" so attractive? Well, a lot of it can be attributed to its unique structure.

You see, it has multiple layers of oil — and gas-soaked rocks — in some places stacked 5,000 feet thick.

Laird Dyer, a Royal Dutch Shell Plc energy analyst, says it contains plenty of places to drill that will yield a 30% to 40% rate of return!

He went on, suggesting that "a single layer in the Permian, the Spraberry, probably holds 75 Billion barrels of recoverable oil."

What does that mean in practical terms? That’s enough to supply the entire world for more than two years.

"Richest Land"


One thing is for sure: There isn’t a shortage of knowledgeable experts singing the praises of it and its wealth-building opportunities.

For example:

The region seems to be the place where new companies continue to look to expand. Roughly $50 billion in private equity capital is funding more than 80 management teams focused on the Permian Basin. It’s the last place you can drill in this environment and make money.

— Will Giraud, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Concho Resources Inc.

During my tireless search for the next great energy investment, I’ve uncovered three companies with incredible upside potential in one of the last places you can make money drilling for oil.

The key to this wealth-building opportunity, however, is to capitalize NOW, while there's still blood in the streets. You see, you have to jump on these opportunities while others are failing to recognize the tremendous value in energy today.

You need to get in before the price of crude begins to turn upward. That’s what the ExxonMobils of the world are doing.

I’ve even done all the dirty work for you — put in long hours researching, studying, and analyzing these small companies down to the most minute detail.

All of my research findings have been assembled in a FREE in-depth report that details the unprecedented buying opportunity before us.

The report is called, "How to Make Millions from the Martin County Monster: The $8 Company Unlocking an Ocean of American Oil."


You will find everything you need in this report to begin investing in this $8 company today. It contains the name and ticker symbol of the small company... the leaders in charge of the company... the areas where they’re drilling in Martin County and West Texas... how many acres they own... the amount of reserves they possess...

I leave nothing for you to do but call your broker with how many shares you’d like to own.

The greatest part is that I’m offering this wealth of research to you at no charge and with no risk.

In a moment, I will show you how to get this report in your hands instantaneously.

One Secret Behind the Saudis' Economic Woes That Can't Be Fixed for Decades

As I was conducting my research around the Saudis’ problems, I stumbled onto something else... something even bigger than its declining oil wells... something that has taken over 60 years to come to fruition.

It turns out they have a serious issue involving population growth.

From a social perspective, one thing to keep in mind is that the perception of Saudi Arabia as a wealthy country is false. You have an increasing number of poorer Saudis in the country who feel disenfranchised in an environment in which the politics of the country are changing.

— Hani Sabra, head of Eurasia Group's Middle East and North Africa practice

Back in the 1960s, the Saudi government was supporting roughly 4 million people.

Since then, that number has swelled to more than 30 million people — and it hasn't slowed down in the slightest...

It's still growing at a rate of 2% per year, and it's caused the government's budget to burst at the seams today.

Remember, the House of Saud provides its citizens with housing, education, health care, and more!

And in addition to these perks, Saudi citizens enjoy ultra-low, subsidized gasoline prices and a life free of personal income tax.

In total, the Saudi government shells out roughly $60 billion subsidizing gasoline and other energy resources.

With a growing population and oil hovering around $60 a barrel, how long will it be able to keep feeding this welfare beast?

The simple truth is more people means more expenses. There's an implicit contract in Saudi Arabia. It's you will respect our power, and we will provide for you.

— Simon Henderson, director of the Gulf and Energy Policy Program at the Washington Institute

In other words, the Saudi Kingdom has to keep feeding the kitty or the people will revolt.

And if it doesn't "provide for the people," it will have broken a very crucial social contract.

Truth is this is PRECISELY what caused the original Arab Spring uprising eight years ago.

And the same thing could happen in Saudi Arabia if the king breaks the "contract."

Earlier, I mentioned that Saudi Arabia was in the eye of a perfect storm. Well, this exploding population combined with significantly reduced oil revenues is just making matters worse.

And yet the Saudi government continues to play chicken with the oncoming train by overproducing crude on a daily basis.

And this points to one inescapable conclusion: The United States will be the energy savior to the world for decades to come.

With its giant oil reserves sitting under Martin County... and the revolution taking place in drilling technology, the U.S. is poised to be a giant with no equal. And the $8 driller I’ve been talking about will help take America to the next level.

Here's an Opportunity to Drastically Improve Your Financial Life

Savvy investors like you have the opportunity to get in on a highly lucrative energy investment right now.

How lucrative can these investments be?

Let’s take a look at what happened in the case of a few Bakken recommendations I presented to my Energy Investor readers.

We’ve had an amazing run of profits over the last few years, including:

  • Crescent Point Energy — 69.6%
  • Brigham Exploration — 315%
  • Petrobank Energy — 103%
  • Brigham Exploration — 256%
  • PowerShares DB Crude Oil — 124%
  • American Oil and Gas — 215%

There's no question that results like these can be life changing for your portfolio. And my readers who followed my advice agree.

Here are a few of the comments and emails that I’ve received from them...

"Bought the wife a new car!"

Keith: I'd like you to know how much I've appreciated your Bakken coverage over the years. I sold my position in NOG in Feb 2010 for gains of 261%, 1/3 of my position in BEXP in Apr 2011 for gains of 361% (and bought the wife a new car), and sold the rest of BEXP in Oct 2011 for long-term gains of 743%. Now holding a large position in your newest pick with unrealized gains of 365%. Thanks again!

— Luke T.

"230% in less than a year"

Your insight has been great. NOG, Gran Tierra is up about 230% in less than a year.

— R. Manning

"Safely paid off daughter's entire tuition"

Hello Keith, I wanted to let you know that thanks to your Brigham calls over the last three years, I've safely paid off my daughter's entire four-year college tuition. Keep the picks coming.

— Mike H.

"... up 252%, 165%, and 101%"

Just wanted you to know how much I appreciate the hard work you do in finding the great companies for your readers. Currently I'm up 252%, 165%, and 101%. You've made a believer out of me.

— Janet M.

As you can see, my readers are thrilled with the results.

So we'll keep it that way.

The small $8 driller I’ve featured in the FREE investment report, "How to Make Millions from the 'Martin County Monster': The $8 Company Unlocking an Ocean of American Oil," can be your ticket to experiencing similar, if not better, results.

You can have this free report in your hands in a matter of minutes.

Simply enroll in a trial subscription to the Energy Investor newsletter.

That’s it.

When you enroll today, you will get much more than just the names of the three Permian Basin drillers...

As a new subscriber to Energy Investor, you'll enjoy the following benefits on top of your free report:

  • 12 monthly issues of Energy Investor: You'll receive a full issue in your email inbox during the first week of each month. These monthly issues include in-depth analysis of what's happening in the energy market, as well as details on my favorite small energy pick for the month.
  • Portfolio updates: You'll also receive regular updates, with up-to-the-minute briefings on my recommendations. All energy trades are regularly revised, and updates are forthcoming, signaling when to buy, hold, or sell. This is to ensure that you never have to worry about your trades. I do all the work on your behalf!
  • E-alerts: Sent straight to your email inbox when an opportunity arises that cannot wait until the next monthly issue. In the fast-paced energy sector, opportunities are popping up by the hour. You'll never have to miss a surefire money-making opportunity.
  • Customer support staff: If you have any questions or concerns, you can call our support staff at any time and get live help between 9:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. EST.

Of course, you'll have instant access to your free report: "How to Make Millions from the 'Martin County Monster': The $8 Company Unlocking an Ocean of American Oil."

But to help make this one of the easiest decisions you’ve ever made, I'm also throwing in THREE BONUS profit reports filled with additional wealth-building recommendations.

Here’s what you’ll have within minutes of enrolling in your trial subscription, at no cost to you...


FREE Bonus Profit Report #1: "American Superpower Checks: Collect Consistent Paydays of $1,818 or More"

There’s really a ton of opportunity in the energy markets right now.

Some sectors, like pipelines, aren’t whipsawed when the price of oil goes up and down.

That’s because a pipeline makes profits based on how much is pumped, not how much the oil costs. So they’re still gushing profits, and that’s only reinforcing spending on the programs behind the "American Superpower Checks."

Not only that, but there are also great companies that are cheap thanks to the media’s misguided hatred of oil and gas right now.

I’ve seen the same thing happen over and over again.

Investors who buy at today’s prices stand to have many opportunities to double their money, if not a lot better.

Every resource market, including energy, is cyclical. Prices go up and down. That’s what they do. The smart investor doesn’t wait for prices to go up to get in because they know the biggest profits come from buying great companies when the market puts them on sale.

In fact, the last time oil fell below $50, like it did recently, it shot to $74 just over a year later. And smart folks who knew it would happen cashed in gains like:

  • 86% on Hess Corporation
  • 79% on ConocoPhillips
  • 45% on Anadarko Petroleum

And many more...

Bottom line, there’s money to be made RIGHT NOW.

And besides, no matter what is happening with the price of oil, you’ll be cashing your "American Superpower Checks" for as much as $1,818, if not more, as long as you sign up for the distribution list in time.

I’d like to send you a personal copy of my full report on exactly how to start collecting these checks today.

Better yet, it’s yours free when you try out my Energy Investor advisory with no obligation.


FREE Bonus Profit Report #2: "The Easiest, Most Profitable Way to Invest in the Ultimate Commodity"

If I revealed what it was, you wouldn’t believe me.

But in the last 14 years, this commodity has become even more valuable to modern life than ever before...

And because of population growth, an ever-increasing demand for food, and the effects of a shifting climate, we’re about to become even more desperate for it.

We’re hurtling headfirst toward a shortage of this commodity that could literally upset the balance of civilization.

It’s even been tied to recent disasters, including the horrendous California fires in late 2018.

I don’t like to celebrate someone else’s crisis, but there are businesses that profit by helping others guard themselves against the crisis.

And I’ve identified a company that is proactively trying to help America guard against the growing threat of a shortage of this crucial commodity.

That means it’s at the center of an urgent problem that Washington, state governments, and even individuals will be throwing money into to solve the crisis.

You’re going to get the full story — and how to profit from it — inside your complimentary copy of “The Easiest, Most Profitable Way to Invest in the Ultimate Commodity.” (Value: $49 — yours free.)


FREE Bonus Profit Report #3: "Clean Energy: Harnessing Hydrogen for 1,587% Profits"

With every major energy revolution, vast fortunes are made.

It happened during the industrial coal age, during the oil boom after the 1900s, nuclear age in the 1980s, solar in the early 2000s, and lithium-ion batteries in the last decade.

And we're about to see it again...

Hydrogen is the new oil that will be driving our power needs.

ExxonMobil called it "a game changer."

And Shell joined an international partnership that's investing over $10 billion into this new energy. 

It's no longer a question of "will hydrogen catch on?" but, rather, "how massive will it be?"

And I'd like to send you my exclusive new report on the global leader in hydrogen-powered fuel cells. Inside, it details the name of the stock, a deep analysis of the company's future growth potential, as well as why they are perfectly positioned to reap a profit windfall as this new energy technology is being adopted all around the world.

Members-Only Website Packed Full of Proven Winners


But there are even more wealth-generating opportunities included with your trial subscription... at zero cost.

You see, in addition to these reports, you'll have full access to the Energy Investor portfolio and recommendations... many of which are still "buys."

You'll also have access to past energy investment research reports with the same caliber of insider details.

In a matter of minutes, you will be able to make well-informed investment decisions that can have a lifelong positive impact on your retirement years.

When you get your all-access, members-only password, feel free to comb our website and read past issues and tutorials. 

Everything is there waiting for you.

And be assured that going forward, you'll be the first to hear about any new opportunities I research.

Exclusive Time-Sensitive Invitation for New Readers Only

So how much does Energy Investor cost, and how can you get started immediately?

Well, a full year of my exclusive research usually costs $249.

But I've asked my publisher to slash this price in half because I want to make sure you don't hesitate to secure your free report and get in on this lucrative Permian Basin shale investment before others start jumping onboard.

If you enroll in your trial subscription today via this special invitation, you can take advantage of Energy Investor for a full year for just $99.

Everything else I've mentioned, including your three reports, comes free of charge.

Once you sign up, you'll begin receiving my regular email updates and monthly issues of Energy Investor.

No-Risk, No-Questions-Asked Guarantee

As I said before, you're not on the hook for a thing.

By agreeing to this offer, you're ONLY agreeing to give Energy Investor a try for the next six months.

Nothing more.

During your trial period, you'll have full membership privileges to Energy Investor.

You'll get immediate access to your free report, "How to Make Millions from the 'Martin County Monster': The $8 Company Unlocking an Ocean of American Oil," — again, absolutely FREE.

You could be calling your broker with your share request today.

And you can also access the three bonus reports I've lined up for you:


"American Superpower Checks: Collect Consistent Paydays of $1,818 or More"

"The Easiest, Most Profitable Way to Invest in the Ultimate Commodity"

"Clean Energy: Harnessing Hydrogen for 1,587% Profits"

If after six months you're convinced that you can't make any money with my research, or should you decide that Energy Investor simply isn't for you, just let me know — and you'll get your money back.

Bottom line, you’re getting six months of money-making investment research FREE!

Included within these three investment research reports will be at least seven profitable energy plays that you can put into action immediately.

Plus, there will be many more investment opportunities within your reach on the members-only website. It’s a virtual vault full of wealth-building opportunities that are waiting just for you.

And to make the deal even sweeter for you, all of the reports, any alerts you receive, and any other intelligence you gather during those six months are yours to keep — even if you decide to cancel.

I'm making this arrangement simply because I'm confident this service will deliver the profits you desire. Many of my satisfied readers can attest to the results they’ve seen over the years.

Oil prices are still far too low right now.

And the bottom is where you want to buy.

The fact that the $8 play I’m recommending is in Martin County, West Texas will give you a huge leg up on making triple-digit gains in 2019.

As I said earlier, the "Martin County Monster" and the surrounding counties are one of the few areas still experiencing increased production in the oil industry.

Saudi Arabia tried to drive these producers out of business but were unsuccessful. They surrendered to the U.S.

West Texas is considered the United States' best oil-producing region, and it'll be where the best profits can be found when the oil prices spike as OPEC loses more and more market share.

The profits are as sure as I've ever believed them to be over the last 10 years.

If you want to get into the energy business at the most opportune time and bank life-changing gains as high as 256% or more over the next few months...

Then you have to act now.

It's urgent. Don't wait.

I highly recommend you sign up for Energy Investor immediately.

You will get your free report, "How to Make Millions from the 'Martin County Monster': The $8 Company Unlocking an Ocean of American Oil,"instantaneously.

Please read your free reports as soon as possible.

The information is time-sensitive.

I will keep you updated on any information that will help you make more money in the energy sector on a monthly basis, if not sooner.

The shale oil industry is seeing some of its toughest times right now. But savvy companies are still continuing to rake in profits.

Trust me, it’s not going away. The Permian Basin has some of the last economically removable shale oil around.

The recovery is just getting started.

Believe me: There will be plenty more opportunities in the weeks and months ahead.

It would be foolish to sit on the sidelines and watch other individuals get all the profits while you're left high and dry.

I suggest you sign up right now. Just click below to get started.

Start your six-month test drive today!

Once again, you'll have six months to test drive my research. And if you feel it's not for you, let me know. I will gladly refund your entire subscription fee.

Click here to sign up right now and get in on the turnaround profits that stand to come rolling in with the rise of oil prices as OPEC declines and the U.S. emerges as the world’s only hope from slipping into an oil apocalypse.

Good investing,

Keith Kohl sig

Keith Kohl
Investment Director, Energy Investor

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P.S. I didn’t mention... aside from the three FREE investment research reports and six FREE months of Energy Investor, I’d like to give you two more gifts we haven’t talked about.

DOUBLE GIFT BONUS! For accepting this trial offer right now, you’ll get two more FREE gifts on top of everything else... The first is a FREE copy of "Super Profits from America's Super Shale: America's Plan to Bury OPEC," which reveals one investment that individual investors are using to capture powerful profits inside America's massive shale plays. 

The other part of my double gift bonus is a special investment research report called "The Billionaires Battle: How to Invest in the Next Phase of the Lithium Revolution." It names three companies that are set to reap a profit windfall as the electric vehicle revolution charges forward.


Both of these extra BONUS gifts are yours at no charge, along with everything else I mentioned before. That's a total of five FREE investment research reports containing over seven actionable recommendations.

Find out the details by clicking the button below.

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Angel Publishing LLC, a general interest newsletter is not liable for the suitability or future investment performance of any securities or strategies discussed. Please note that we are not a registered investment firm or broker/dealer. Only a registered broker or investment adviser may advise you individually on the suitability and performance of your portfolio or specific investments.

Readers are advised that the material contained herein should be used solely for informational purposes. As a publisher of a financial newsletter of general and regular circulation, we cannot tender individual investment advice. We urge you to always conduct your own research and due diligence and obtain professional advice before making any investment decision.

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