
Privacy Policy

We take your privacy very seriously. Please read the following to learn more about the privacy policy ("Policy"). This Policy details how our product obtains, collects and uses information in connection with our website and software (website and software are collectively referred to in this document as “product”)

Information We Collect

We may collect anonymous information. Our products do NOT process sensitive or personal data. Anonymous information means information that does not directly or indirectly identify you, such as the number of page views, link clicks, and login times. We may use Anonymous Information to create Aggregate Information. Aggregated Information is the grouping of Anonymous Information into groups and/or categories that does not directly or indirectly identify you.

How We Collect Information

We use various technologies to collect information from your device and about your activations on the site:

  1. Information received automatically. We automatically collect information from your computer and/or device when you use the Site. This information may include your IP address, your browser type and language, access times, the contents of any restored cookies your browser previously accepted from us (see 'Cookies' below), the software installed on and/or or devices connected to your computer and / or device, as well as the address of the referring website.
  2. Cookies. When you use the Site, we can appoint to your computer one or several files cookie to facilitate access to our Site and to personalize your work on the Internet. The file cookie is a small fragment of data which is stored on a computer of the user for objectives of the account. Using cookie, we can automatically gather information about yours online-activity on our Site, such as pages visited by you, links which you press, and actions which you make on the Site. The majority of systems is accepted automatically with files cookie, but you can usually change adjustments of a browser to forbid use of files cookie. If you decide to refuse files cookie, pay attention, that you cannot use some interactive functions offered on the Site or through it.
  3. Other technologies. The Site may use standard Internet technologies, such as web beacons and other similar technologies, to track your use of the Site. Web beacons are small pieces of data that are embedded in images on website pages. The information we receive in this way allows us to customize the services we offer through visitors to our Site.
  4. Information collected by third parties. We may allow third parties, including our authorized service providers, parents and subsidiaries, subsidiaries, advertising companies and advertising networks, to advertise or place advertising tags or beacons on or through our Site. These companies may use tracking technologies such as cookies to collect information about users who view or interact with their advertisements. This information allows them to serve targeted ads and measure their effectiveness. Unless expressly stated otherwise, we do not provide information to these third parties.
  5. Don't follow the signals. The Site's systems are not configured to respond to web browser 'do not track' signals or other mechanisms that provide consumers with choices regarding the collection of personally identifiable information about individual user activities over time on the Internet and on third party websites. or online services.
  6. Age: In order to comply with Child Protection Laws worldwide, we require you to know your age from time to time.

How we use the information we collect.

We may use the information we collect about you to: (i) provide the products and services you have requested; (ii) provide you with customer support; (iii) conduct research and analyze your use of or interest in our products, services or content, or products, services or content offered by others; (iv) communicate with you via email or regular mail, telephone and/or mobile devices about products or services that may be of interest to you; (v) design and display content and advertising based on your interests; (vi) enforce our terms and conditions; (vii) operate our business (viii) comply with the law or legal process provided on the Site; (ix) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of site users or members of the public; and (x) perform the functions described by you at the time of collection.

How personal and non-personal data is used.

We do not share your anonymous information with others except as noted below:

  1. We may share your anonymous information with our authorized service providers who perform certain services on our behalf. These services may include providing customer service and marketing assistance, conducting business and sales analysis, and supporting our product functionality offered through our product. These service providers may have access to anonymous information that is necessary to perform their functions, but they are not permitted to share or use such information for any other purpose.
  2. Other situations. We may disclose your anonymous information (i) in response to a subpoena or similar request for an investigation, court order, or request for cooperation from law enforcement or other government agencies, (ii) in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or take other action against illegal activities, suspected fraud or other offences; (iii) to protect and protect the rights, property, or safety of our company, our users, our employees, or others; (iv) comply with applicable laws or cooperate with law enforcement authorities; (v) to enforce the terms and conditions of our Site or other agreements or policies; and (vi) in connection with a material corporate transaction such as the sale of our business or the Site, sale of assets, merger, consolidation or sale of assets, or in the unlikely event of bankruptcy. In addition, we may share the Aggregate Information we collect, in any of the above circumstances, with third parties, including consultants, advertisers and investors, for the purposes of general business analysis.

No third party rights

This Privacy Policy does not create rights enforceable by third parties and does not require the disclosure of any information relating to users of the product.

Explicit content

You understand that by using you may be exposed to content that may be considered offensive, indecent or objectionable, and that content may or may not be identified as being explicitly worded. However, you agree to use the product at your own risk and that we will not be liable to you for content that may be found offensive, indecent or objectionable. We will not be liable to you in any way for any content or materials that may be available in connection with the product that you may find objectionable.

Policy changes

We will update this Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes to our practices and services. When we post changes to this Privacy Policy, we will revise the 'Version Date' in this Privacy Policy. If we make any material changes to the way we collect, use and/or share your information, we will notify you. We encourage you to check this page from time to time for any changes to this Privacy Policy or any of our other policies.


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