
Michele Tecchia's Advice for Becoming a Top Real Estate Agent

When it comes to success in the real estate field, there are few people as successful as Michele Tecchia. With consistently superior work and business acumen, Michele Tecchia has become one of the country’s most successful real estate agents, and he continues to be an inspiration to others looking to follow in his footsteps. Michele Tecchia has seen both the worst and best that life has to offer, but rather than let that get him down, he uses it to work even harder toward his dreams of success in the real estate industry.


Have Patience

Patience is one of the most important qualities to have when starting out in the real estate business. It takes time to build up your career and you need to be willing to work hard until you are successful. You need to believe in yourself and never give up on your goals.


Stay Focused

One of the keys to success in this industry is being able to stay focused. Michele has built an enviable reputation on his ability to remain laser-focused on a single goal until it is achieved. There are many distractions that come with being in the business, but real estate agents who stay focused will always be the ones who succeed.


Invest in Relationships

When it comes to real estate, Michele Tecchia attributes the success of his career to his ability to build relationships. It's about trust and understanding, he says. If you have those two things, then you're already halfway there.  You don't need to spend all your money on advertising or putting up big banners that get torn down after six months. The best marketing you can do is to be out in the community, being visible and available.


Maintain Good Communication Skills

Michele Tecchia Monaco is one of Monaco's top real estate agents, and the success of his company can be attributed to his good communication skills. Throughout his career, Michele has been able to present himself as an expert in the industry and maintained great relationships with both buyers and sellers. Communication skills are essential when dealing with people from all walks of life, so it is important to learn how to keep your cool in stressful situations.
