
Is There a Role for Complementary Therapy and Heart Failure Management

Currently, the treatment of heart failure primarily involves the use of medications. Some patients are advised to undergo implantation of devices like pacemakers to support the heart functions. In advanced cases, surgery may be needed to correct the structural causes of heart fadultdoctorgirlhealthcare3559341.jpgailure.

However, there has also been a surge in the number of patients who want to try alternative treatments for the management of this condition. Some studies have suggested that alternative therapies like transcendental meditation and other relaxation techniques like yoga could help to control blood pressure and improve the patient’s sense of well-being.

There is also research going on to assess the possible benefits of acupressure and tai chi. Several research studies have proven that the treatment of high blood pressure with relaxation therapies like stress management, cognitive therapies, meditation, muscle relaxation, or biofeedback can help to reduce the risk of developing systolic and diastolic heart failure. It may also help to slow down the progress of heart failure in patients who have already developed the signs of this condition like breathing difficulties, and fluid retention. 

CAM (Complementary and alternative medicine) is looked up to as a great preventive and therapeutic strategy to help patients with cardiac failure recover faster and resume their routine activities with better ease.

CAM could be broadly divided into five categories including biologically-based therapies, manipulative and body-based therapies, mind-body therapies, whole medical systems, or energy medicine.

Biologically-based therapies such as aromatherapy, diet-based therapies, chelation therapy, folk medicine, megavitamin therapy, iridology, and neural therapy

have shown promising results in the management of cardiac failure.

Chelation therapy is particularly revered for its ability to support the elimination of toxic metals that could worsen the symptoms of heart failure.

Megavitamin therapy and iridology are also considered effective as they help to restore healthy heart functions by providing essential nutrients to the body.

It is common for doctors and nurses to have patients asking them about whether they should try complementary medicine during treatment for cardiac failure. Hence, healthcare practitioners need to keep themselves updated about these therapies so that they can provide satisfactory replies and advice to their patients about which therapy could be more suitable for them.

You can join our “2 NURSING CONTACT HOURS WILL BE AWARDED FOR CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING WEBINAR” on 23rd November at 6 pm to learn more about the management of heart failure.

ATECAM LLC is the approved provider of the NCPD (Nursing Continuing Professional Development) by the State Nurses Association Approver Unit, an accredited approver in Pennsylvania.

The nursing contact hours online awarded by us are good even for nurses outside of Pennsylvania

The purpose of our nursing webinars, Maryland,is to educate nurses about the implications of cardiac failure and atrial fibrillation. We will also discuss the diagnostic workup, different integrative approaches, and management strategies or these conditions.

Join the webinar to learn the latest developments and keep yourself updated about cardiac failure and atrial fibrillation so that you can provide quality care to your patients.