
Wisdom Teeth Smile Direct Club Vs Byte

Pain throbbing in the back of the mouth:


In some patients, third molars (in the majority of the population appear between the ages of 15 and 21) develop properly and do not bring major complications. However, not everyone is so lucky. It is an individual matter whether wisdom teeth will appear in us and whether they will grow properly. If there is not enough room for them in the jaw, or because of the direction of growth in the gum, they may have trouble erupting through tissues properly or growing at the wrong angle. When the teething process is stopped, we are talking about fully or partially retained wisdom smile direct club vs byte teeth. If a young person comes with a referral for tooth extraction, it is more than certain that eights are to blame, says the drug. stom. Waldemar Stachowicz from the Periodent Dental Center in Warsaw.



One of the telltale signs of the last molars growing out of the way is a sharp throbbing pain or a feeling of distraction in the arch that may radiate to areas adjacent to the wisdom teeth, such as the jaw or even the ear or eye. Importantly, pain can come and go at different times. When, after the diagnosis smile direct club , the dentist finds that there are no cavities or other sources of ailments, the reason for the mysterious pain may be the inconspicuous figure eight, still hidden in the bone.


Swelling And Tenderness Of The Gums:


Wisdom teeth that are not erupting properly are a common source of gum problems. Gum tissue around the eight may be swollen, fluffed, red and tender. They can also bleed when touched, making it difficult to brush and floss the area.

 Even if these teeth do develop, proper hygiene will be a significant problem. Due to their location, it is difficult to clean them thoroughly, especially in the case of partially retained eights. Then the tooth crown is partially covered by the gingival flap, a gingival pocket is formed, where food debris can accumulate and bacteria multiply.


This promotes bad breath, recurring gum infections and caries. Even if the wisdom tooth is completely hidden in the gum smile direct club vs byte, swelling of the soft tissues may indicate a developing odontogenic inflammatory reaction. Then the permanent sensitivity of the gums to touch should arouse our vigilance, because it may indicate complications with tooth growth or other disturbing soft tissue diseases - explains the expert.


 Trismus Smile Vs Byte:


Another symptom that should draw our attention is swelling in the area of ​​the back of the jaw. Sometimes the swelling of the tissues progresses to such an extent byte that we can suffer from the so-called trismus  Trismus smile vs byte, that is, tighten the lips and have a problem with opening them. The patient may have difficulty speaking, yawning, chewing and swallowing food. Occasionally, an elevated body temperature may also appear, which should also prompt an urgent visit to the dentist.


Enlarged Lymph Nodes In The Neck:


Lymphadenopathy is an alarming symptom that may indicate serious (e.g. cancerous changes) as well as less serious diseases. It may be a reaction to inflammation in the body - e.g. due to eruption of teeth and problems with penetrating them through the gum. If we see enlarged lymph nodes in the neck, feel a "foreign" body in the throat, or feel a lump through the skin, it may be a problem eight. Therefore, let's look for further diagnostics, it is also worth performing a blood count from ESR or measuring the level of CRP. It happens that the eight stopped in the teething process causes inflammation that may require the administration of an antibiotic.




Headaches from teeth? It is possible! When we are tired of recurring headaches, we save ourselves with pills or seek help from a neurologist - often in vain. Headaches can be caused by many factors, including stress or improper nutrition, but also dental problems, e.g. teeth grinding. If neither of these reasons apply to a patient, the condition may be due to retained wisdom teeth.


Patients often do not associate persistent headaches with wisdom tooth growth. When they grow at an angle and get stuck in the bones of the maxilla or mandible, they begin to press against other teeth and cause occlusal disturbances smile direct byte, e.g. pain in the temporomandibular joint that connects the mandible with the rest of the skull. This, in turn, can radiate to other areas of the face, resulting in a headache - says Dr. Stachowicz.


What's more, some patients also complain of sinus problems, which is due to the anatomy. The top eights are deep in the mouth, just below the sinuses. Their growing and developing roots can put pressure on the sinuses in the area. This can build up pressure in the sinuses, resulting in the characteristic so-called sinus headache.


Wisdom tooth pain can also radiate into the ear, but even when the pain is not present, the eight can cause tinnitus or hearing loss.


Why Is It Worth Removing?


Wisdom teeth are removed when they cause troublesome ailments and carry a risk of complications. According to estimates by the American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, approximately 80% of people who retain their wisdom teeth initially will have to have them removed at a later date.


- The indication for extraction may be, among others planned orthodontic treatment, placement of a dentures or an unfavorable effect on the rest of the bite. Retained eights can damage other teeth, for example, compress their roots, cause displacement in the arch, cause recurrent infections, and even lead to tooth loss. When they are crookedly erupted, they can cut the inside of the cheeks.


Moreover, due to their location, the eighth teeth are more prone to caries and periodontitis, and in the case of a significant carious defect, their removal is sometimes a better solution than ineffective root canal treatment. An odontogenic cyst may also form as a result of abnormal figure eight growth.


This is a dangerous lesion, a type of fluid-filled cyst that may initially be asymptomatic. Over time, the cyst can damage nerves, other teeth, mandibular bone, and with significant growth can even cause it to fracture. In such a situation, immediate tooth extraction is recommended to stop further bone loss or avoid the smile direct club vs byte development of tumors - explains the dentist.


How To Delete?


Before the extraction procedure, an X-ray examination showing the position of the teeth is necessary. Most often, the doctor orders a pantomogram, i.e. a panoramic image of smile direct all teeth and surrounding structures, which helps to plan the extraction procedure.


- Removing problematic wisdom teeth, although it is a serious surgical intervention, is such a common procedure that patients should not be afraid of it. It is often recommended to perform a pantomogram even earlier in adolescence, after which you can assess the position of the buds and determine whether the teeth have a chance of growing properly.


If not, your dentist may recommend smile direct removing them before the roots are fully formed - even if no symptoms are present. However, many people go to the dentist in their 30s, when the detained eights suddenly and intensely make themselves felt. If, after performing radiological examinations, it turns out that there is no chance of their proper growth, their removal is the only solution that will save the patient from pain and serious complications - says the expert



The eights extraction procedure performed by an experienced dentist may last from a few minutes to an hour and is always performed under local anesthesia. In the case of surgical removal of eights (the so-called chiseling of eights) smile direct club vs byte, the doctor places stitches on the gum and a dressing on the wound, which heals from several days to several weeks. It is important to follow the dentist's recommendations after the procedure to avoid complications, even in the form of the so-called dry socket.