The Generations Gap Training Program is designed to assist adults and children in making sound decisions based on facts, rather than emotions. It is a curriculum designed for students from Kindergarten through 8th grade in the community and online. Each level has approximately two hours of material to study, and those required for each level will differ from subject to subject.
This program provides students the opportunity to use critical thinking and investigation to develop essential skills for life, including:
Getting out of the office is essential to developing critical thinking. All students must be encouraged to leave the classroom for some amount of time every day. No more of the "how would you feel" questioning. Doing this every day allows them to explore the world outside of the classroom.
In addition to thinking and questioning, students must be able to read and interpret facts and additional information. Thinking critically enables students to better absorb information and retain it for learning purposes. Additionally, understanding facts allows them to use them as a basis for making decisions and implementing plans of action. It is important to have students develop their capacity to understand and apply what they have learned to their lives.
Students must also be able to make and understand decisions that involve complex situations and social skills. These students can make decisions regarding the purchase of an item, whether to purchase a particular item, and even decisions involving a possible marriage partner. Students must also be able to identify their friends and their roles in a family and a community. They must also know how to share information and how to recognize and voice their opinions. This can include the ability to voice their concerns and to raise a question.
Children learn to make their own decision making capabilities. For example, they learn to organize items and their resources to come up with a decision that is right for their family. They learn how to make and follow through on a decision. In addition, they learn the difference between right and wrong.
Today's culture requires families to be involved in decisions regarding a variety of activities and problems. The problem with most of today's parenting, though, is that we seem to have taken over the decision making process. We often play the role of a parent. This should not be the case, however, because it is not good for children to be living under the thumb of their parents.
Critical thinking and problem solving are also about finding solutions to problems, not finding solutions to problems. A student with a very strong critical thinking ability will be able to look at a problem from different perspectives, that are independent of each other. This allows them to think creatively and apply skills that are needed to solve problems. These skills are used by students to become more productive individuals.
Critical thinking must be applied to everyday situations in order to be effective. The challenges faced by students on the various subjects being taught must be examined. Skills that they use when faced with a situation must be studied.
Each student in this program has to get out and make choices about things and people on a daily basis. They need to be able to work with others and work for their own rewards. They need to face challenges and overcome them. This is where we, as adults, need to apply our critical thinking skills and, more importantly, find solutions.
The Generation Gap Training Program makes use of the strengths of children in order to strengthen their understanding of critical thinking and behavior management. Critical thinking is an important skill in every aspect of our lives. It is the basis for our decision making ability, our educational and career success, and the development of a balanced and successful life.
The Generation Gap Training Program provides teens and children with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to function effectively in their community. It will help them to find lifelong goals and make informed choices regarding their future. by having students expand their skill sets, learning new information, and learning about and applying their knowledge.