
Informations about Office 365 Non-Profit

Microsoft Windows is essential to our daily lives. And particularly in a corporate setting where everything must be organized and accessible. This explains why practically every computer system uses Windows tools like Word, Excel, and others, with Office 365 Non-Profit organizations using these tools the most frequently. Let's find out more about them all:

  • Microsoft Word- Word processing tool Microsoft Word was created to assist you in producing documents of a high standard. Word assists you in organizing and writing your documents more effectively by providing the best document formatting capabilities.


  • Microsoft Excel- Spreadsheet software is Excel. It gives you the option to sort the data in any order you like while enabling you to meticulously manage all of your data. Raw data can be intimidating and challenging to analyze.


  • Microsoft PowerPoint-MS PowerPoint is a crucial tool for creating presentations that meet industry standards. It offers various capabilities, like animations and other multimedia that will undoubtedly help you wow your audience. Additionally, mastering MS PowerPoint is crucial if you want to stand out during presentations.


  • Microsoft Outlook-You can send and receive emails, manage your calendar, save the names and phone numbers of your contacts, and keep track of your projects using Outlook.


  • Microsoft OneNote- One Note can be used to enter notes or record audio on a laptop, sketch or write ideas on a tablet, add photographs from a phone, find notes fast, move notes across the page at will, divide those pages into sections, and store those sections in one or more notebooks.


  • Microsoft Publisher- Microsoft One Drive for Business is a desktop publishing tool that may be employed to produce a number of publications. You can quickly make greeting cards, calendars, newsletters, business cards, and much more.


  • Microsoft Access- It can quickly create databases using templates, locate and readily report on data saved in Access, and make elaborate data entry forms. A variety of data sources can be imported, transformed, and exported.


These features are offered at reasonable prices so that many users can take advantage of them. All non-profit organizations eligible under IRS Section 501(c) 3 can benefit greatly from Office 365 Non-Profit. Visit our website for more details at https://www.genesis-technologies.com/