
The Roles of Probiotics and Prebiotics in the Body

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Jack Arthur @Jack_Arthur · Mar 25, 2021

Both probiotics and prebiotics play an important role in digestive health, immunity, and overall quality of your body’s health.  These are two nutrients you won’t want to miss.


You probably know all about the supposed importance of probiotics, but what’s the difference between that and prebiotics?  And why should you make either a priority when looking at your daily diet and trying to figure out where to focus your attention on nutrients.  Here’s what you need to know for a stronger body!



What do probiotics and prebiotics do?

Perhaps you’ve heard of probiotic and prebiotic supplements before, but you’re not really sure what to expect.  Or, maybe a bit of extra information on how they separate, yet come together, can be helpful!  Let’s take a look at the clear distinctions between them.


  • Probiotics: These magical little microorganisms live in your gut and are responsible for helping keep your digestive system strong and focused. It keeps food moving along through you while also making sure that you are absorbing as many nutrients out of that food as possible.  
  • Prebiotics: The best way to understand the role of prebiotics in your diet is to think of them as food for the probiotics. Prebiotics is the fuel for the Probiotics. Prebiotics are a specific kind of fibre that the body can’t actually digest on its own.  Probiotics is what will break that down and digest it properly.  It also serves as a meal to help boost your probiotic levels naturally. 

The importance of this hard-working duo

That all sounds great and clear enough, but what can this all do for your body?  A lot, it turns out!


  • Supports digestive systems: If you need help in getting your digestive system to work at its strongest and best possible, this duo is your best bet at targeted help and support.


  • Helps boost immunity: Probiotics are also going to help build up your immunity and natural defense, both in terms of infections and illnesses, but also in healing faster.


  • Can help reduce or soothe eczema: For those with chronic or especially painful eczema (and other skin conditions), probiotics and prebiotics are a helping hand to reducing flare-ups in their frequency and intensity, as well as speeding up the healing process when flare-ups do happen. 
  • Improve absorption of other elements: Another perk is that you’ll be able to include better and easier absorption of other nutrients for the body, including calcium and carbohydrates, for better nutrition overall. 

The body needs probiotics and prebiotics

In order to be functioning at its best, the body needs a little bit of help from focused components.  For the best health and comfort - from head to toe - focused probiotic and prebiotic supplements will give you equally focused benefits of each.  Since you deserve to have a body that keeps you looking and feeling at your best, trust the right ingredients to come together in your favor, in more ways than one!                       


If you’re looking for a great focused approach to better gastrointestinal health, and a solid support for a better immune system, the right hard-working duo of probiotics and prebiotics, may just be the ideal starting point for you and your body!


I’ve done my research, and I’ve found the best probiotic + prebiotic formulation on the planet. Formulated by man who has lived in harmony with nature and the wild all his life, a hunter gather, a fisherman and famer, a free-ranger, a forager of the bountiful gifts that nature offers, Noel Turner. He has taken natural probiotics and prebiotics from fermented whole foods, not from a lab, but from nature, which are far superior to synthetic probiotics created in a lab, and fermented them to provide the body with good bacteria that easily compliments and feeds the gut microbiota which leads to better absorption and effectiveness.  The fermented whole foods that contain billions of cfu’s in FREZZOR Probiotic +Prebiotic are created from 100% natural ingredients, carefully selected to optimize the gastrointestinal tract, which is everywhere: in the gut, eyes, ears, brain, mouth, and our skin. The microbiota, these are the bacteria, viruses, fungi and all the critters that live in our gastrointestinal tract,  are all over our bodies and particularly in the gut, they control anywhere from 95 to 99 percent of the function so what we think about genes and all this stuff is a small fraction of what’s really controlled.  The microbiota teach and train the immune system, so it is critical. The microbiota directly communicates to the brain. Depression, anxiety, and all of these things that are involved with neurotransmitters are linked to the gut.  The raw organic whole foods that Noel Turner has fermented includes some of the best superfoods known to heal leaky gut, eliminate SIBO, boost energy, immunity, recovery, and overall good health. Naturally sourced and scientifically proven to work in harmony with your body, helping support regular and healthy digestion, boost the immune system as well as promote optimal nutrient bioavailability and absorption.


Resource: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s617/sh/39739804-e190-d9d3-ffe5-f89e994a1669/86a3bd571367bf8e47b168b75fc45a88