
5 Things You Must Do At a Car Accident Scene

A vehicle accident can be incredibly distressing and overwhelming, but with a car accident lawyer from Robert J. DeBry & Associates, things can be more accessible.
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Fusion 360 @Fusion_360 · Feb 2, 2023


A vehicle accident can be incredibly distressing and overwhelming, but with a car accident lawyer from Robert J. DeBry & Associates, things can be more accessible. Knowing what to do at the scene of an accident is crucial for ensuring your safety and the safety of those involved and defending your legal rights. The five things you must do at the site of an automobile accident will be covered in this blog.

Evaluate the Situation

It's critical to maintain composure and evaluate the circumstances. Check for any injuries and, if required, contact emergency services. Move your car to a safe location and switch on your hazard lights if the collision is mild.


Communicate with Other Drivers

Contact and insurance details should be exchanged with the other driver in the collision. Obtaining the other driver's full name, address, phone number, and insurance information is crucial and will help your car accident lawyer. Get the names and phone numbers of any witnesses to the accident, if there were any.


Record the Scene

It's crucial to capture the accident scene for insurance purposes and to preserve your legal rights. Take pictures of the damage to the two vehicles and the surroundings, such as the traffic signals and road signs. Note the accident's time, date, location, and other important information.


Inform the Police of the Accident

Even a tiny collision should be reported to the police. An accident report from the police might help resolve insurance disputes and defend your rights.


Speak with a Car Accident Lawyer

You should speak with a car accident lawyer if you were involved in one. They can help you with insurance claims, counsel you, and defend your rights. Additionally, a car accident lawyer can ensure you obtain a just settlement for any losses or injuries you received in the collision.

Although being in a car accident can be a stressful and overwhelming experience, it is crucial to know what to do to preserve your rights, the safety of other drivers, and your safety. If you were in a motor vehicle collision, you should speak with a car accident lawyer for guidance and support.