
Artificial Intelligence for The Trucking Industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) is being applied to many different aspects of society in an effort to leverage new technology for the greater good. With private and public transportation being a key area to implement this technology, the trucking industry has been looked at as having the most benefits. Close to twelve million jobs are employed that are or relate to trucking activity, which makes up the $800 billion dollar industry we know today. A lot of road is still left to be traveled between tractor trailer repair in Flint, Michigan, and artificial intelligence with no one knowing too clear of a picture at the end of the tunnel.


Auto Piloting Tractor Trailers

The widespread adoption of self-driving vehicles will take quite some time before it takes hold in the passenger car community. Tuner culture, volume, and route optimization will make passenger cars the slowest adopter of artificial intelligence. Tractor-trailers will be the first type of driving to adopt this technology due to routing, cost-efficiency, and much more. Tractor-trailers conduct most of their driving on major highways which allow for an auto pilot to easily adapt and control the vehicle safely. These routes are much more predictable and constant in comparison to urban and suburban roads. Different scenarios have to be accounted for given the road conditions and type of driving being done.


Safety Concerns

Accident prevention and safety is by far the most controversial side to artificial intelligence in any form, especially self-driving vehicles. Some people argue that trusting AI is a dangerous idea due to potential malfunctioning or lack of real-time decision-making. Others argue that eliminating the possibility of human error vastly out weights and lowers the volume of accidents. In the semi-trucking industry, truck drivers can face immense fatigue and distractions like phones that can lead to some poor decisions being made while on the road. Elimination of factors like distractions and fatigue coupled with faster reaction times make artificial intelligence way safer if technology stays functioning properly.


Cost Savings

Savings in the trucking industry should reach an all-time high once artificial intelligence is implemented. Artificial intelligence can be used to auto-detect certain issues with routes and the truck itself to determine under-performing catalysts. Route optimization will allow firms to save more money on fuel and increase turnaround times which will get the most out of their trips. As everyone knows, being on top of tractor-trailer maintenance is key. Artificial intelligence can aid with determining when parts are being overworked that could be overlooked. This coupled with electric vehicle advancements could lead to big savings for the industry.


New Forms of Work

A major complaint about artificial intelligence is the elimination of sustainable jobs in the trucking industry. Ultimately, self-driving vehicles will replace truck drivers on a wide scale, but open many forms of jobs that pay well and have transferable skills to different industries. The government and companies have started preparing for this immense shift by setting up training and retention programs to allow long-standing drivers to enroll in classes to switch career paths if they choose to do so. It will be still a couple of years even after implementation before you see no humans in tractor-trailers.