
In this rapidly changing world, we need to keep ourselves ready for change, but the question is, how

I understood very Quickly that stories are not just for listening and having fun, but there is something to learn in every story, it depends on you what you want to take from that story. In childhood, we all have heard many stories from our Grandparents, I do not know what you learned from those stories and what not, but I have learned a lot. Today I am sharing such a very sweet story with you, if you are reading this story just for Entertainment then do not waste your time and you can leave this article as it is.



If you are showing interest in reading this article, then it means that you want to bring change in yourself and in this world. You have joined 5% of the people in the world who want to learn something in life and move forward. I will not disappoint you, so let’s move on to the story, the story is such that a herd of vultures was wandering in search of food.

While flying, they reached an island. That place was like heaven for them. There were frogs, fish and sea creatures everywhere to eat and more importantly, there was no wild animal hunting these vultures and they could live there without any fear.

The young vultures were a little too excited, one of them said, “Wow! Enjoyed it, now I am not going to go anywhere from here, without any hard work, we are getting to eat sitting here!”

The rest of the vultures also got a yes in his yes and started swinging happily.

Everyone’s days were fun, but the oldest vulture in the herd was not happy with it.


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