
How to design Event websites from scratch & Best Practices

Event websites


Tips to design appealing event websites automatically | Best practices of Event Website | Design event website without coding

With the increase in the number of events happening globally, along with the added feature of attending them online from the comfort of one’s home, visitors these days have a lot of variety to choose from. Hence it becomes incredibly important for event websites to catch a prospective attendee’s attention the moment he or she lands on the event website’s homepage to sell tickets online.

There is a lot going on here, so let us take it down one by one.

First and foremost, why should the visitors attend your event in the first place? Why should they put their time and effort into attending your event instead of binge-watching their favorite Netflix show, if not attend another similar successful event? Your event website should convey to them the reasons as to why they should buy your tickets rather than get an OTT subscription.

Branding Your Event
To begin with, consider your event to be your brand, and your event website design to be the primary branding. No amount of celebrity and influencer marketing can beat an incredibly unique and personal branding. The event website design does this job.

But what do we mean by event websites design over here? Does it mean only fancy banners and eye-catching fonts and images? Or is there anything more to the layout? Of course, there is. While banners, fonts, and images can do the work of catching the prospective attendees’ attention, they are not enough to hold their attention.

There are other elements, equally important, that should be kept into consideration while finalizing the event website design. These elements enable the event website to speak directly to engage the attendees and help them decide whether or not to attend the event.


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